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Hi, all
We use tda4vm(master) cpsw9g switch to connect Gigabit PHY and 100M PHY at the same time. The Gigabit PHY use RGMII interface, and the 100M PHY use SGMII interface. When we only use 100M PHY to communicate with another tda4vm(slave) and MCU by udp packets transmission, it's OK without losing udp packets, but when we use Gigabit PHY to communicate with PC(with iperf tool test more than 100Mbps bitrate) simultaneously, it will cause the losing udp packets between the master tda4vm, slave tdas4vm and MCU. when the bitrate down to about 80Mbps with iperf tool test the Gigabit PHY communication with PC, it will be OK without losing udp packets.
So strange about that, for the cpsw9g is Gigabit interface, why it cause this? The Connection Diagram is shown as bellow.
Now we found that when we use iperf to test Gigabit interface, the 100M interface also receive the udp packet from eth1, so I guess the cpsw9g does not have mac learning function or it could not be used at this time. How could we filter the udp packet from the SGMII interface which connect a 100M PHY?
Can you provide more details
1. Which SDK are you using ?
2. What's running on A72 and R5. Which cores are receiving the data ? (If you can draw a SW block diagram with data paths, that would help)
The frame drop with 1G port is definitely not expected.
Hi Vineet,
Thanks for your help.
1.We use sdk7.1.
2.We use iperf tool to run on A72 to test Gigabit Phy, and simultaneously we use socket communication demo on A72 to test 100M phy between tda4a and mcu. But the cpsw9g drvier is running on R5.We think R5 receiving the data first then transfrom to A72.
Could we enable the cpsw9g vlan module to fix the issue? How should we enable it?
A SW block diagram with data paths like this:
Data Path1: TDA4A CHIP A72(eth1>CPSW9G(TDA4A) PORT 2--->100M Phy---->MCU(ip
Data Path2: TDA4A CHIP A72(eth1:0>CPSW9G(TDA4A) PORT 5--->Gigabit Phy---->PC(ip
In Data Path2, we use iperf runing on TDA4A CHIP A72 (eth1:0 to send udp packets to PC(ip, then the CPSW9G(TDA4A) PORT 2 would receive the udp packets.How could we filter the packets from CPSW9G(TDA4A) PORT 5? For it would cause packets loss in Data Path1.
The frame drop with 1G port is definitely not expected.----------There's no frame drop with 1G port but 100M port I think.
Hi Vineet,
We modify vlanMemberList of ports on CPSW9G, shown as below:
void EthHwInterVlan_setOpenPrms(Cpsw_Cfg *pCpswCfg)
Enet_MacPort i;
/* pCpswCfg->aleCfg.policerGlobalCfg.policingEn SHOULD BE TRUE for interVLan.
* Set to FALSE to exercise driver internal logic to auto enable policer when interVLan API
* is invoked
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.policerGlobalCfg.policingEn = TRUE;
pCpswCfg->hostPortCfg.passPriorityTaggedUnchanged = TRUE;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.modeFlags = CPSW_ALE_CFG_MODULE_EN;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.policerGlobalCfg.redDropEn = FALSE;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.policerGlobalCfg.yellowDropEn = FALSE;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.policerGlobalCfg.policerNoMatchMode = CPSW_ALE_POLICER_NOMATCH_MODE_GREEN;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.vlanCfg.aleVlanAwareMode = TRUE;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.vlanCfg.cpswVlanAwareMode = TRUE;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.vlanCfg.unknownVlanMemberListMask = 0;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.nwSecCfg.hostOuiNoMatchDeny = FALSE;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.nwSecCfg.vid0ModeEn = TRUE;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.nwSecCfg.ipPktCfg.dfltNxtHdrWhitelistEn = TRUE;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.nwSecCfg.ipPktCfg.ipNxtHdrWhitelistCnt = 2U;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.nwSecCfg.ipPktCfg.ipNxtHdrWhitelist[0] = CPSW_TEST_IPV4_NXT_HDR_TCP;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.nwSecCfg.ipPktCfg.ipNxtHdrWhitelist[1] = CPSW_TEST_IPV4_NXT_HDR_UDP;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_HOST_PORT_NUM].learningCfg.noLearn = FALSE;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_HOST_PORT_NUM].vlanCfg.dropUntagged = FALSE;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_HOST_PORT_NUM].pvidCfg.unregMcastFloodMask = 0x0;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_HOST_PORT_NUM].pvidCfg.regMcastFloodMask = CPSW_ALE_ALL_PORTS_MASK;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_HOST_PORT_NUM].pvidCfg.forceUntaggedEgressMask = CPSW_ALE_ALL_PORTS_MASK;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_HOST_PORT_NUM].pvidCfg.noLearnMask = 0x0;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_HOST_PORT_NUM].pvidCfg.vidIngressCheck = 0x0;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_HOST_PORT_NUM].pvidCfg.limitIPNxtHdr = false;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_HOST_PORT_NUM].pvidCfg.disallowIPFrag = false;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_HOST_PORT_NUM].pvidCfg.vlanIdInfo.tagType = ENET_VLAN_TAG_TYPE_INNER;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_HOST_PORT_NUM].pvidCfg.vlanIdInfo.vlanId = CPSW_TEST_INTERVLAN_HOSTPORT_PVID;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_HOST_PORT_NUM].pvidCfg.vlanMemberList = CPSW_ALE_ALL_PORTS_MASK;//0x1fb;//
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_MACPORT_TO_ALEPORT(i)].learningCfg.noLearn = FALSE;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_MACPORT_TO_ALEPORT(i)].pvidCfg.unregMcastFloodMask = 0x0;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_MACPORT_TO_ALEPORT(i)].pvidCfg.regMcastFloodMask = CPSW_ALE_ALL_PORTS_MASK;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_MACPORT_TO_ALEPORT(i)].pvidCfg.forceUntaggedEgressMask = CPSW_ALE_ALL_PORTS_MASK;//1<<(i+1);
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_MACPORT_TO_ALEPORT(i)].pvidCfg.noLearnMask = 0x0;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_MACPORT_TO_ALEPORT(i)].pvidCfg.vidIngressCheck = 0x0;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_MACPORT_TO_ALEPORT(i)].pvidCfg.limitIPNxtHdr = false;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_MACPORT_TO_ALEPORT(i)].pvidCfg.disallowIPFrag = false;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_MACPORT_TO_ALEPORT(i)].pvidCfg.vlanIdInfo.tagType = ENET_VLAN_TAG_TYPE_INNER;
pCpswCfg->aleCfg.portCfg[CPSW_ALE_MACPORT_TO_ALEPORT(i)].pvidCfg.vlanMemberList = 0x1;//CPSW_ALE_ALL_PORTS_MASK;
pCpswCfg->hostPortCfg.vlanCfg.portPri = 7;
pCpswCfg->hostPortCfg.vlanCfg.portCfi = 0;
pCpswCfg->hostPortCfg.vlanCfg.portVID = CPSW_TEST_INTERVLAN_HOSTPORT_PVID;
pCpswCfg->vlanCfg.vlanAware = TRUE;
so CPSW9G(TDA4A) PORT 2 and PORT 5 can only communicate with CPSW9G(TDA4A) host port, but when we use iperf to send udp packets from CPSW9G(TDA4A) host port to PORT 5, PORT 2 still could receive the packets too.We need to send the packets directly to PORT 5, meanwhile host port can communicate with PORT 2 normally.
Hi Jason,
Sorry, re-opening this thread after some time.
Is this issue still open ?
Hi Vineet,
The issue is still open, we finally use tcp protocol to communicate with PORT5.
Sorry for the delay. I am working on a VLAN/ALE user guide for TDA4 which will cover this topic.
Hi Vineet,
Thanks very much. If possible, can you send me a related user guide, my email is