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Part Number: AM6422 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83867IR , SYSCONFIG
Hello, I am working with the am64x and the industrial communication SDK. I am trying to run the ethercat_slave_beckhoff_ssc_demo. The development board I am using does not provide…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM625SIP , AM625 The page provides tips on debugging initialization and boot up issues with the following devices:
If this page doesn't address your issue, please submit a ticket…
Part Number: TDA4VM How to address the assertion Issue from EthFw, due to race condition between multiple client requests for EnetMcm Module Server Task.
Part Number: AM625 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM62B , SK-AM62B-P1 ,
Hi TI Experts,
I am starting a new board design and planning to use TI Starter Kit (SK) design files for designing my custom board.
Please let…
Part Number: AM6442
I am trying to understand what voltage levels I am looking at with the AM6442 SERDES driver. I am using the IBIS-AMI model in HYPERLYNX I am seeing the common mode output voltage swing from 200 to 600 mV with a centerpoint…
Part Number: AM625 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM62B ,
In some applications it is critical that SPI transfers happen with the smallest-possible inter-byte gaps to either optimize throughout, or to meet certain overall system real-time…
Part Number: AM625 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM62 , , SK-AM62B
It is a common need wanting to incorporate a custom Linux device tree file into the boot process of Yocto-generated filesystem images. This FAQ introduces a simple and basic…
Part Number: AM623
I'm referring to PROC124E2A AM62x-LOW POWER SKEVM, which uses MT53E1G16D1FW-046 WT:A LPDDR4. According to datasheet the size of the solderballs should be 0.436mm and PCB board uses 13mils(0.3302mm).
Also, if you see the spacing…