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[FAQ] TDA4VM: Display for more than 1920 input resolution

Part Number: TDA4VM

Dear TI,

I have a custom board that working with 2560x800 resolution DSI display.

I'm trying to display 2560x800 resolution image combined two camera  as below using "app_multi_cam".

CAM 1(1280x800) CAM 2 (1280x800)

(Actually when I checked the final file got by set the config "en_out_img_write" in app_multi_cam.cfg, it is properly combined)

But when I try this, Only CAM1 image is full screen(2560x800) displayed. It looks that scale up to 2560x800.

I think if output width is bigger than 1920, there is some problem.

Could you let me know how to display 2560 width image in app_multi_cam?

