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PMIC Reset During Reboot

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM5728, TPS659037


We have designed a PCB by taking AM5728 EVM as reference.

When we initiate the Reboot Command,  please let us know will the power cycle to the AM5728  gets reseted(i:e will the PMIC gets reseted).??



  • Hi,

    If you've followed the AM5728 EVM reference desing, then you should have the RESETOUTN connected to PMIC NRESWARM pin. In that case the reboot command from linux command line indicates a Global Warm reset to the system (see Global Warm Reset Sequence in TRM). Then the NRESWARM is asserted to the PMIC and the PMIC executes the OFF2ACT sequence.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Yordan ,

    We have followed the AM5728 reference design and the reset outn pin is connected to the PMIC NRESWARM pin .

    When the reboot command is executed the PMIC NRESWARM pin is getting low but the OFF2ACT Sequence is not affecting the change of power state for any of the SMPS & LDO 's(i:e the power rails of MPU,CORE,DDR,DSP etc will never be toggled or changed) .

    In  TPS659037 User's Guide to Power AM572x and AM571x" doc with the reference of Figure 12 it is stated that

    "Figure 12 shows the warm reset sequence of TPS6590376ZWSR in the case that all resources are turned off. If any resource is on when NRESWARM is asserted, the resource remains on.

    Since during the execution of reboot command all the SMPS & LDO are in ON condition ,and even after the OFF2ACT sequence is  initiated the power states of the SMPS and LDO will remains unchanged  as it is in its ON condition during the execution of REBOOT command .

    So please let me know whether by any means i can reset the AM5728 core power rails once the reboot command is executed.



  • Hi ,

    I request you to please reply for the above issue.

    Also please let us know how can i initiate the cold reset for my core using software. We tried making SW_RST pin high using i2cset commands but it didnt work.Please let us know is any any dependencies for triggering the cold reset ?



  • Hi,

    A little correction.Its SW_RST bit and not SW_RST pin

  • Hi Chandan,

    Have you tried programming the SMPSx_CTRL[1:0]MODE_ACTIVE registers?

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Yordan ,

    In SMPSX_CTRL[1:0] MODE_ACTIVE registers what should be the mode that needs to be programmed such that it supports for the cold reset ?
