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66AK2G12: PMIC replacement

Part Number: 66AK2G12
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65911


It seems TPS659118 is now becoming EOL! My customer is using 66AK2G12 with 600Mhz variant. Because its nominal core voltage is 0.9V, they are using TPS659118 rather than TPS65911A. What is the recommendation for TPS659118 replacement? Hope your quick reply.

Best Regards,

  • Hi,

    As you noted TPS65911A should be used for PMIC in your 66AK2G12 designs. If your customer is changing the PMIC why not go with the recommended part? What are their concerns?

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Yordan,

    Please refer the original thread.
    As you see, because of the difference of core voltage, the recommended PMIC part for K2G was:
    - 66AK2G12-1GHz => TPS65911A
    - 66AK2G12-600MHz => TPS659118

    We can't simply go with TPS65911A for 66AK2G12-600MHz.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Naoki,

    The TPS65911A can be used for both the 600MHz and the 1GHz version of the part. The startup voltage for CVDD is set to 1V for this part which will work for both frequencies. The I2C interface can be used to set CVDD to 0.9V if the 600MHz version is used to ensure that the lower power numbers are achieved.

    Regards, Bill

  • Hi NK,

    It appears there is confusion with the situation here. I see part numbers for the TPS65911 family now end in "A2" signifying there is a new silicon revision available. The situation may be that orderable part numbers TPS659118 is now replaced with TPS659118A2. These part numbers are still different from TPS65911A and TPS65911AA2

    Let me include the power management team to respond / confirm the case. 

  • Hi, Ahmad and Bill,

    Thanks for responding.

    To be more exact -- from my understanding, TPS659118A2 is now EOL.

    As for Bill`s comment, i`m not sure about TPS65911A and TPS65911AA2 in detail, but i don`t think those are suitable for 66AK2G12-600Mhz part. Those PMIC initial CVDD is 1.0V and this can violate the recommended operating condition of CVDD on 66AK2G12 (0.945 max). Maybe, that can be controlled by I2C interface, but this must be achieved after the device booted. In other words, 1.0V CVDD will be supplied during the boot and operating condition will be violated.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Naoki,
    The 66AK2G12-600Mhz will boot and operate with the CVDD set to 1.0V but it will operate at higher power than is specified in the power consumption model. In order to meet the power modeled the I2C interface should be used to set the CVDD to 0.9V after the device has booted.
    Regards, Bill
  • Hi NK,

    I am an application engineer in the TPS65911 team. I wanted to clarify that all TPS65911 devices have just been changed to EOL due to EOL of the package.

    MicroStar is a unique TI packaging technology that is over 20 years old. Our supplier is planning to sunset their factory equipment. As a result, our TI team is implementing a package phase out of the MicroStar BGA and MicroStar BGA Jr.

    What is happening to products that currently use MicroStar packaging?
    The majority of TI parts that use MicroStar BGA package will be redesigned using a laminate BGA package that we call nFBGA. This package offers datasheet-equivalent electrical performance. It is also board layout/footprint equivalent to MicroStar, and is a proven package sourced at multiple manufacturing sites. Customers will also have the opportunity to submit of Lifetime Buy (LTB) order for parts, which includes a six month order entry, 12 month order fulfillment with exceptions where we have other contractual terms.

    It is not yet confirmed that TPS65911 will be converted, however Lifetime Buy should be available for the next six months with production going into 2020.
  • Hello Kevin, Bill

    I`m confused by your suggestion "all TPS65911 devices have just been changed to EOL due to EOL of the package". Does it mean both TPS659118xxx and TPS65911Axxx have been changed to EOL ? Bill mentioned TPS65911A could be a replacement part... That is the first clarification needed.

    And even if TPS65911A can be a solution, 66AK2G12 datasheet does not mention about the condition over operating conditions. The Initial 1.0V
    CVDD might work (with higher power consumption), but i believe that operating condition has NOT been certainly qualified. If TI recommend TPS65911A part for the replacement, I think you have to update 66AK2G12 datasheet to cover the voltage on recommended operating condition table.

    Best Regard,

  • Hi NK,

    We are seeking clarification regarding EOL. My understanding was all Microstar BGA package devices were being EOL however TPS65911A is not in the PCN so there may be more to it. I will provide an update on Monday U.S. time.

  • Hi NK,

    We have confirmed that the TPS65911AA2ZRCR is not currently lifetime buy, only certain TPS65911x parts listed in the PCN are going to lifetime buy right now. TPS65911 devices that are not in the PCN will continue to be offered while a conversion plan is being evaluated. TPS659118 is not currently in the list for conversion.

  • Hello Kevin,
    Thanks for your clarification. I have some additional questions/requests.

    1. Can you re-consider about the TPS659118 EOL and add it to the conversion list ?
    2. If the answer to the question 1 is No, is your recommendation for replacing the TPS659118 still TPS65911A for a 66AK2G12-600Ghz part ?
    3. If the answer to the question 2 is Yes, can you change 66AK2G12 datasheet to cover the initial 1.0V CVDD for 600Ghz operating speed in the recommended operating condition ?

    Best Regards,
  • Hi NK,

    TPS659118 evaluation was completed already and is not going to be converted.

    I have re-assigned this to the processor team for TPS65911A discussion as I am not familiar with the processor.

    2020_07_24 Update: TPS65911A OTP settings will be changing from the current Microstar BGA package orderable part number: TPS65911AA2ZRCR  to the new nFBGA (pin-to-pin compatible) package TPS65911AA2NMAR in Oct 2020

  • Hello, Do you have any response ?
  • Kawada-san
    Thank you for your patience on this.
    We are discussing this Kevin and team and internally also to figure out what is the best option to move forward. This will take 1-2 weeks.
    I expect to be able to find a solution that works for your customer in the long run.
    This may take a couple of weeks to resolve.
    Feel free to reach out to me as needed . I will keep you posted

  • Kawada-san
    I am marking this as resolved for now. We will continue to discuss this internally and with your directly and post a conclusion as needed in coming weeks.
  • Hello Mukul-san,

    Thank you for following up on the thread. I`ll wait for your reply. Meanwhile, we will discuss the discrete power solution internally.

    Best Regards,