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DM385: MCFW: Several channels with different resolution as input to mux link with one output. Is it correct?

Part Number: DM385


In my usecase I have 2 HD inputs and 1 FullHD input on VIP0 A/B and VIP1 captures.

I want to make additional channel with low bitrate, and I want to select which input channel will be translated/encoded on this additional channel. 

For this I am using Mux link. 

My usecase is 

Additional channel is created with maximum resolution by default.

When I am running my usecase I can see FullHD is going through MUX and encoding ok.

But when I am trying to change Mux settings and transmit other channel through MUX link - something happens with encoder.

It looks like it doen't understand that resolution is changed.

So, my question - is my usecase correct? How can I tell to encoder thar resolution is changed?

Thank You.

  • Hi Dmitry,

    DM38x has very limited support from TI. You may search the E2E forums for archived posts of previous discussions which may help address your questions. For detailed SW support, you can reach out to one of the third parties listed in below e2e post.
