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AWR1642BOOST: Can I detect the vital sign in real time?

Part Number: AWR1642BOOST



I have AWR1642BOOST and DCA1000. And I want to detect vital sign in real time.

When I use those devices, I can get raw adc data. Then, I put the bin file in MATLAB to view BPM or other result.

But, I want to see the real time process.(ex : If I click 'Trigger Frame', I want the bin file save automatically and go into MATLAB, and process in real time.)

In this thread, TI said the DCA1000 cannot provide real-time process.

So, can you suggest me some the other solutions? It's okay not in TI.

  • Hi,

    We do not support real-time MATLAB processing of ADC data using the DCA1000. There are no other open solutions for this either that I can suggest but you are free to explore the forum. If not, you would have to develop the same on your own (The closest you would get to real-time data processing is with 1 frame time's latency).



  • Hi Kaushik,

    Thank you so much for your kind reply.

    I'm sorry but, I'd like to ask more questions.

    1. Then how can the one frame time latency you mentioned be achieved?

    2. Does that also mean I need to develop it myself?

    Please reply,

    Thank you.

  • Hi,

    Please find my responses below:

    1. You can achieve this by doing something like the following:
      1. Collect the ethernet packets from the DCA1000 directly on MATLAB using something like the instrumentation control toolbox.
      2. This collection can happen in a unique thread (Can use parallel computing toolbox for this)
      3. As the data is being received, the processing can be performed on the same data in another thread.
      4. Typically, you would need to accumulate data as per your requirement and switch context to processing and this can happen in 2 threads.
      5. Therefore, following this, your output generation would be at the same rate of your input (provided the processing takes lesser than 1 frame time) but would be delayed for 1 Frame's time.
    2. Yes. This is something that you would have to develop on your own. There might also be other/better ways to achieve this at your discretion.



  • Hi Kaushik,

    Thank you for your kind reply!!!

    Have a nice day!

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your feedback. Will be closing the thread!

