Hi there!
I'm investigating the possibilities of TDC1000 with 40kHz transducers in air.
Strangely, only one stop pulse for every two echo pulses seems to be generated.
Following scope picture illustrates the problem:
Between the two vertical dotted lines, 4 echo pulses can be seen (blue) while only 2 stop pulses are generated (red below, marked with 'STO').
I also wonder what determines the width of the stop pulses, as the datasheet does not seem to mention it.
For completeness I included the complete register dump of the TDC1000 (CLKIN = 80kHz, not using the EVM software):
T0: 12.50 us T1: 25.00 us TX_CLOCK: 40000.00 Hz CONFIG_0 RAW: 0x6 TX_FREQ_DIV: 2 NUM_TX: 6 CONFIG_1 RAW: 0x40 NUM_AVG: 1 NUM_RX: 0 CONFIG_2 RAW: 0x22 VCOM_SEL: INT MEAS_MODE: TOF DAMPING: ON CH_SWP: OFF EXT_CHSEL: OFF CH_SEL: 1 TOF_MEAS_MODE: 2 CONFIG_3 RAW: 0x4 TEMP_MODE: REF, RTD1, RTD2 TEMP_RTD_SEL: PT1000 TEMP_CLK_DIV: 8 BLANKING: OFF ECHO_QUAL_THLD: -220 mV CONFIG_4 RAW: 0x1F RECEIVE_MODE: SINGLE ECHO TRIG_EDGE_POLARITY: RISING TX_PH_SHIFT_POS: 31 TOF_1 RAW: 0xE4 PGA_GAIN: 21 dB PGA_CTRL: ON LNA_CTRL: ON LNA_FB: RESISTIVE TIMING_REG[9:8]: 0 TOF_0 RAW: 0x0 TIMING_REG[9:0]: 0 ERROR_FLAGS RAW: 0x0 ERR_SIG_WEAK: 0 ERR_NO_SIG: 0 ERR_SIG_HIGH: 0 TIMEOUT RAW: 0x4C FORCE_SHORT_TOF: ON SHORT_TOF_BLANK_PERIOD: 16 x T0 -> 200.00 us ECHO_TIMEOUT: OFF TOF_TIMEOUT_CTRL: 128 x T0 -> 1600.00 us CLOCK_RATE RAW: 0x0 CLOCKIN_DIV: 1 AUTOZERO_PERIOD: 64 x T0 -> 800.00 us TOF Control: Short TOF Common-mode: 1600.00 us Autozero: 800.00 us Transmit: 150.00 us Mask/Blank: 200.00 us Echo listen: 1600.00 us End: 25.00 us
Thanks in advance!