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When I use your SDK,and your OPT3101EVM demo,I can read the register and can use TX0 pin to control LED.and the LED lighted and output a changed value.
But,when I use the Calibration Function,the illum calibration and the phase offset calibration,the LED is Not emit the light,
But I see your documents and demo,when calibrate,I can't see another register control the LED with the TX0 pin,Is auto control when the Calibration?
When I calibrate the device,What should I do when I control the LED?is another register control or other way?
Best wishes to you!
If you are using the EVM it uses an IR LED that is not very easy to see the light from. Also the calibration routine will turn the LED on and off and also change the current and intensity. I would suggest to check if the calibration worked correctly (for crosstalk calibration the amplitude while covering the photodiode will be around 100-200 codes before calibration and less than 10 codes after calibration).
I use the MONOSHOT_MODE = 3,when I get distance,I will write the MONOSHOT_BIT = 0,and write the MONOSHOT_BIT = 1 to start the sample .
when I go to calibration,I don't control the BIT and not use the RST pin,I see your datasheet,when I use the MONOSHOT_MODE = 3,the device will go to the sleep mode.when I go to calibration,should I write the MONOSHOUT_BIT = 1 or control the RST pin?
Best wishes to you!
thanks you!
I find the reason,When I go to Calibration,I should close the monoshot mode,The Calibration is working normal.
thanks you!
Best wishes to you!