I'm trying to calculate the maximum velocity and velocity resolution using the pameters in a cfg file, but the results calculated using the equations below seem wrong.
max_Velocity = λ/4Tc; V_resolution = λ/(2NTc);
The following is the cfg file and the calculation details (The useful values in cfg file has been highlighted):
% ***************************************************************
% Created for Area Scanner v2.0.x
% Frequency:60
% Platform:xWR68xx
% Azimuth Resolution(deg):15 + Elevation
% Range Resolution(m):0.0703
% Maximum unambiguous Range(m):14.4
% Maximum Radial Velocity(m/s):2.45
% Radial velocity resolution(m/s):0.15
% Frame Duration(msec):100
% ***************************************************************
% *****************STANDARD MMWAVE SDK COMMANDS******************
dfeDataOutputMode 1
channelCfg 15 7 0
adcCfg 2 1
adcbufCfg -1 0 1 1 1
profileCfg 0 60.5 100 25 69 0 0 50 1 256 6000 0 0 30
chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
chirpCfg 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
chirpCfg 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 4
frameCfg 0 2 32 0 100 1 0
lowPower 0 0
guiMonitor -1 1 0 0 0 0 0
cfarCfg -1 0 2 8 4 3 0 20 0
cfarCfg -1 1 0 4 2 3 1 15 0
multiObjBeamForming -1 1 0.5
clutterRemoval -1 1
calibDcRangeSig -1 0 -5 8 256
extendedMaxVelocity -1 0
bpmCfg -1 0 0 1
lvdsStreamCfg -1 0 0 0
compRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase 0.0 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 1 0
measureRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase 0 1.5 0.2
CQRxSatMonitor 0 3 15 125 0
CQSigImgMonitor 0 115 6
analogMonitor 0 0
aoaFovCfg -1 -90 90 -90 90
cfarFovCfg -1 0 0 11.11
cfarFovCfg -1 1 -2.04 2.04
% *****************SENSOR START*********************
The results I obtained were 9.917m/s and 0.31m/s, which are different with the "Maximum Radial Velocity(m/s):2.45" "Radial velocity resolution(m/s):0.15" given in the cfg file. I would like to know what's wrong with my calculation?
By the way, I am not sure how to obtain the "Number of chirps". Can I calculate it by Number of Tx * the third argument in frameCfg?
Thanks a lot.