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IWR6843: migrating from ES1.0 to ES2.0

Part Number: IWR6843
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, SYSBIOS, MMWAVE-SDK, AWR1642

I have trouble with migrating project for IWR6843 from ES1.0 to ES2.0. I´m getting NULL handle from SOC_init (&socCfg, &errCode) -> loader_exit(void). 

I tried to eliminate my own errors during migration, so I made clean install of all component, but problem is still there.

My step-by-step actions:

  1. import lab0015_pplcount_68xx from mmwave_industrial_toolbox_3_6_2 to CCS (
  2. Uniflash + xwr68xx_ccsdebug.bin (\mmwave_sdk_03_02_01_02\packages\ti\utils\ccsdebug\)
  3. mmwave_sdk_03_02_01_02, ti-cgt-arm_16.9.6.LTS, bios_6_73_01_01 compile, debug -> SOC_init success
  4. change SDK to mmwave_sdk_03_03_00_03 in CCS project setting
  5. Uniflash + xwr68xx_ccsdebug.bin (\mmwave_sdk_03_03_00_03\packages\ti\utils\ccsdebug\)
  6. Migrating guide: (swra656b.pdf) done steps from Table 3. xWR6843 ES1.0 to xWR6843 ES2.0 Software Migration:
    1. step no 1: <property name="products" value="com.ti.rtsc.SYSBIOS:;com.ti.MMWAVE_SDK:;"/>
    2. step no 2: postBuildStep in MSS projectspec to replace the value 0x02000006 with 0x00000006. 
    3. step no 3: MSS/DSS start-up code
    4. all remaining not necessary
  7. again used ti-cgt-arm_16.9.6.LTS, bios_6_73_01_01, compile, debug -> SOC_init done with loader_exit(void)

May I ask for some hint, what could be wrong?

  • Hi Miroslav,

    1. Are you able to run an existing IWR6843 ES2.0 demo on your EVM? You can try the mmw demo (i.e. out of box demo) from SDK 3.3 on your EVM and see if that runs successfully.

    2. If #1 works, I would suggest you to refer to or use the updated people counting demo from the latest Industrial Toolbox (4.5.x), which is already ported to ES2.0 and the latest MMWAVE-SDK. Is there a particular reason you are using the old demo? 



  • Yes, I already have complete application done in ToolBox 2.5.xx with some old 2.x SDK (AWR1642).
    I need to switch to never SDK and newer IC (IWR 6843): So I migrate to SDK 3.2.1 to and now I need to switch to SDK for proper 6843 (2.0) function.

    I tested my migration to SDK and it wont run (above described problem). So I used clean lab0015_pplcount_68xx from mmwave_industrial_toolbox_3_6_2 because it is compatible with my firmware and I need to eliminate any errors during migration.

    When I look ppl count from 4.5.1 toolbox it is completely redesigned and it is no possible to easily switch to it.

  • Hi Miroslav,

    Have you tried to step into the SOC_init function to see where is it failing? To do so, you'll first need to re-compile the soc lib to enable step debugging and then re-build your application to relink the new lib. The general approach to compile an SDK component for step debugging is explained in the following thread:

    CCS/IWR6843ISK: Debugging by CCS

    Please provide more details from the above steps so that we can look further.



  • Hi,

    can you handle the question that port demo from IWR6843 ES1.0 to IWR6843 ES2.0?

  • Hi,

    Have you tried to follow the suggestion provided in my previous response to re-compile the soc lib for debugging and step into the SOC_init code to understand the error?



  • Hello Nitin,
    please detele this whole thread. It is unpossible to convert demo project, so I had to rewrite it copletely to newer demo sources.

