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LMP91300: Temperature issues seen during development of a new board

Part Number: LMP91300

We are seeing issues during cold temperature cycling. Failure Scenario 1: Three out of four proximity sensors had the thermal register and Rp register value drop to nothing at the same time. We have seen failures in both the far mode (no target present) and near mode (target present). Failures occurred between -10C and -35C, within the operating temperature range of the LMP91300NHZ. The failures did not occur every cold temperature cycle. Please see attachment. Failure Scenario 2: Three out of four proximity sensors had the output change state when in the near mode (target present) indicating the target temporarily was not present but it was. The Rp value did not change when the output changed state. Failures occurred between -30C and -35C, within the operating temperature range of the LMP91300NHZ. Please see attachment.

I am working with Paul Sparacino at Texas Instruments to get a NDA in place so that we can share schematic, board layout and coil design. Until then I am looking for input as to what maybe causing the failures. I appreciate your help. Thank you.What Gave TI.rar

  • Hello,

    Thanks for the post. We will wait for the schematics and until then we will look into the plots and get back to you early next week (Tuesday) with some analysis and further questions...  

  • Arjun,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I am looking forward to working with you to resolve the issues I am seeing.  On failure scenario 2 where the output changed state when in the near mode (target present) indicating the target temporarily was not present but it was, I noticed the Rp value never changed it was always 80 00 as seen in the plots. Is 80 00 the maximum Rp value? We had the target basically sitting on the proximity sensors.


    Craig LaBarre

  • Hi Craig,

    The maximum Rp value for the LMP91300 is 3.93 MΩ (section 6.5 – Electrical Characteristics).

    I have a few additional questions in order to get a better idea of the issues you are seeing:

    • What were the programming steps followed (section 7.5.1)? If possible, please attach a logic analyzer capture of the read/write operations.
    • Were the devices functioning as expected at 25°C?
    • Is this issue being seen on all units?

    Thank you for your continued patience.

    Best regards,


  •  Nicole,

    Hope you are doing well. I appreciate your help

    We just used the first programming step in section 7.5.1 (Burning Programmed Values Into The Registers).

    Failure Scenario 3: We saw an issue during hot temperature cycling. One out of four proximity sensors had the thermal register and Rp register value drop to nothing at the same time and never recovered until the proximity sensor was power cycled. We only saw this failure in the near mode (target present). Failure occurred at approximately 70C, within the operating temperature range of the LMP91300NHZ. The failure did not occur every hot temperature cycle. Please see attachment. I looked at the SWIF interface, with a scope, of the failed proximity sensor and there was no data versus the SWIF interface of passed proximity sensors that had data.

    We never saw any failures at ambient (25C) during cold temperature cycling and during hot temperature cycling, illustrated in the plots.

    For each of the failure scenarios (1-3), not all the proximity sensors failed.

  • During a read of registers are they modulating the current by bringing the LED pin (terminal) to ground?

  • Hi Craig,

    The LMP91300 modulates the supply current by sinking current into the LED terminal. The V+/EXT and LED terminals need to be connected by an LED, resistor, or directly shorted for the Read operation to take place (section

    Thank you for the additional details. What is the proximity of the external temperature sensor to the LC circuit? It is possible that if this temperature sensor is not placed closely enough to the LC circuit there could be exaggerated errors due to temperature variation.

    Best regards,


  • Nicole,

    Please see attachment, E2E Correspondence_2.E2E Correspondence_2.docx



  • Hi Craig,

    Thank you for the detailed attachment. While I review your simulation, I think it may be best to move this thread to email. I've sent you a connection request to begin that process.

    Best regards,
