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How do I open command window code composer Studio v4?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO, TMS320C6416

I am new to CCStudio v4. I would like know- how do I open the command window in CCS v4?

                                         How do I change the stack size in CCSv4?

  • Gajendra Kanjikar said:
    how do I open the command window in CCS v4?

    If you're looking for a scripting console, please check this page:

    Gajendra Kanjikar said:
    How do I change the stack size in CCSv4?

    Right-click on your project, go to Properties->C/C++ Build->Linker->Basic Options. The --stack_size option is where you change the stack size for your program. This is also where all your other compiler and linker options are provided, in case you wish to modify any other options.

  • Thanks AartiG.

    Actually I needed to know whether there is a command window in CCSv4 like in the version 3, where in we can give linker directives?


  • I didn't think the command window in CCS3 supported linker directives either, but maybe I'm wrong. The closest thing I can think of to the command window is the Scripting Console in CCSv4 which allows you to pass commands to the IDE.

  • Sorry for late reply. My apologies you write, liker directives cannot be given in command window of v3.

    My question should have been how do I do it using command line? I want to give  SECTIONS specification in linker command file?

    Right now I am working on assembly programming on tms320c6416. When I build the program  it's giving the warning--

    warning: creating output section "b array" without a SECTIONS specification

    It is a block transfer code in assembly. After executing the destination memory locations are executed but, it is also throwing erroe-- 

    TMS320C6416: Error: Memory Map Error: WRITE access by CPU to address 0x400000, which is RESERVED in Hardware.

    How do I control these memory related operations? All these are in CCSv4 using assembly prog. Your guidance will be really

    helpful. Thanks in advance

  • Gajendra Kanjikar said:

    warning: creating output section "b array" without a SECTIONS specification

    This warning is saying that your code is creating a output section named "b array" but there is no SECTIONS specification in the linker command file that tell the linker where to allocate it. In this case the linker will allocate it to some default memory location but it may not be where you want it allocated, so it is best to modify the linker command file (.cmd) and add an allocation for this section under the SECTIONS specification.

    Gajendra Kanjikar said:

    TMS320C6416: Error: Memory Map Error: WRITE access by CPU to address 0x400000, which is RESERVED in Hardware.

    How do I control these memory related operations?

    There is usually a GEL file added to the target configuration that tells the debugger which memory regions are accessible. The GEL files are typically provided by the board manufacturer. Check your GEL file and make sure your program runs from and accesses memory that is accessible.

  • Thanks for the reply AartiG. But my query itself is where do I modify the liker command file in ccsv4?


  • Usually the linker command file (file name with .cmd extension) is added(or linked) to the project and will be visible in the C/C++ Projects view in CCS when you expand your project. If the file is there you should be able to just double click on it which will open it in the editor and modify it there.

    If the .cmd file is not in the project, another place it could be specified is in the project build options. Right-click on the project, go to Properties->C/C++ Build->Linker->File Search Path, and check the --library option. If there is a linker .cmd file specified there that would be the one you need to locate. The full path to the file could be specified directly in that option or could be in the --search_path option. You would then need to find the file and edit it.

  • Thanks AartiG, it worked