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Unable to program Stellaris LM3S301 kit with CCS v4.x, LMFLASH works fine

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM3S811


We're having problems programming a Stellaris DK-LM3S301 kit.  The LMFlash programming utility works fine so the kit hardware is functional.  Just having difficulty programming the kit with Code Composer Studio.  Details included in the attachment.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed and appreciated!



  • Paul,

    Are you currently using the Evaluation license? I think that the eval license usually displays the number of days remaining in the eval period on the CCS title bar (where it says Licensed), so it doesn't seem like you are.

    You should be able to use the Free Limited license with this kit. On the licensing window, you can activate the "Use Free limited License". Please check this page for additional details:

  • Thanks!  We've tried evaluation licenses as well as full licenses, same result.  The CCS v4 (fully updated) does not communicate with the kit on 2 machines.  Both are running Windows 7, 64-bit.  Could the 64-bit OS be an issue?  The hardware is fine and we can run and debug on another machine running Windows XP, 32-bit.  I'm starting to think that it's the 64-bit OS that's an issue, perhaps the drivers don't play well with that OS.  We've also tried using the integrated USB interface on the DK-LM3S301 as well as using the LM3S811 kit as a JTAG debugger, with the same results.

    Any other ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

    Thanks again!


  • Also, got this input from another engineer:

    I talked with our IT department and they turned off the virus checking software and put the firewall in passive mode where it just monitors but doesn’t take any action and there was no improvement.

     On a more positive note:

    We did get Code Composer to stop complaining about the license by doing the following:

    1.      Get a 90day license from

    2.      removed the “Stellaris-Development-Kit.lic” file in “/ccsv4/debugserver/license”

    3.      copying the new license to the above directory

    4.      removed all the extra locations in licenselocation.txt except for the one pointing to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\DebugServer\license”.  Text filed was pointing to multiple locations so I don’t know what license it was using. 

    5.      Pointed Code Composer to the new license

    So I think that may have resolved that issue. BUT…..

    Code Composer is now crashing on me after the debugger connects to the development board.  Code composer does manage to download the software to the development board.  The development board doesn’t operate the new program until it is power cycles, but the chip got programmed and was in debug mode before crashing.  Attached is a screenshot of the error window that opens for 1 second before it crashes.  We are so close! 

    ·        Is there a way to disable the disassemble?

    ·        What is the proper configuration for the TargetConfiguration.ccxml ?