Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2564C, CC2564, , TLV320AIC3101
I'm trying to set-up the SPPDemo for the CC2564MODN for a STM32F401RE. I followed the guide "CC2564C TI Dual-Mode Bluetooth® Stack on STM32F4 MCUs". I also uncommented the #define STM32F401xx in the file "stm32f4xx.h". I also changed the following in HALCFG.h:
#define CONSOLE_UART 2 //was 3
#define CONSOLE_TXD_PORT A //was C
#define CONSOLE_TXD_PIN 2 //was 10
#define CONSOLE_RXD_PORT A //was C
#define CONSOLE_RXD_PIN 3 //was 11
#define HAL_LED_PORT A //was G
#define HAL_LED_PIN 5 //was 6
Everything compiles, links and debugs. Also the led is toggled once on my NUCLEO-F401RE board. However I can see that the function "BSC_Initialize" in the function "OpenStack" in the file "SPPDemo" is causing the firmware to jump to the default handler for an unexpected interrupt. I also already figured out that this underneath is calling the function "GPIO_Init" multiple times. In the end it's calling the "GPIO_Init" for GPIOx on address 0x40021800. And this address turns out to be reserved space according to the datasheet. Did I miss something in setting something up in an other file? Could you help me out with this?
Also I noticed that the following links in the file did not work anymore:
"swru498b.pdf", page 18, "SPP demonstration application wiki" directing to "">processors.wiki.ti.com/.../CC256x_TI_Bluetooth_Stack_SPPDemo_App"
"swru498b.pdf", page 19, "SPP + SPPLE demonstration wiki" directing to "processors.wiki.ti.com/.../CC256x_TI_Bluetooth_Stack_SPPLEDemo_App"
Looking forward to hear from you.