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CC2340R5: [CC2340R5]modify TX power at run time.

Part Number: CC2340R5

Dear TI experts.

according to the previous discussion:CC2340R5: how to modify the tx power at CC2340 run time. - Bluetooth forum - Bluetooth®︎ - TI E2E support forums

now, I am using the simplelink_lowpower_f3_sdk_7_20_00_29 to verify the change of tx power at run time.

But it still cannot change the TX power at run time.

My test conditions are as follows:
1. Stop broadcasting,
2. Set tx power,HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerDbmCmd( 0,1) or HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerDbmCmd( 7,1)
3. Start broadcasting,
I set 7dBm and 0dBm, but I found that there was no obvious difference between the power monitor and the RSSI of the mobile phone.

In addition, I set -4dBm and 7dBm respectively in compiler time in syscfg and used power monitor and mobile phone to read rssi. There is still no obvious difference.

below is my chip version.

Do you have any suggestions?
