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SIMPLELINK-CONNECT-SW-MOBILE-APP: list of advertising devices does not appear in the Available devices screen

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2340R5

Hi all (and , I hope you are the same TC listed in the app credits and as support in the Google Store), I have the same exact issue as reported in:

This happens  with the latest SimpleLink Connect v1.3.3 app on both Android phones I have available, on the opposite end of the OS version timeline (Honor 6X with Android 8 and Samsung A22 with Android 13). This issue did not occur with a previous version of the app that I had tried a few months ago. All requested permissions have been enabled (at least the requested ones, including storage (on Android 8), position and nearby devices (on Android 13)), BLE (obviously) on like cellular data, all default settings (only "skip tutorial at start" and "remove inactive devices"), app uninstalled, cache and data memory cleaned and reinstalled, unsuccessfully. Here are my screenshots:

Honor 6X (Android 8)

Samsung A22:

It seems that the thread that I have pointed to earlier has been marked as resolved two months ago, but apparently it hasn't been fixed. Please, if possible, advise ASAP, since I need to go through OAD development for my framework and app on the CC2340R5. Also, I can't seem to follow the very brief tutorial on:

The app build aborts, after a lot of dependency and versioning hell in setting up the environment according to the suggested steps on Linux Mint 21.2 (base: Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy LTS). It would be super useful if there could be a more detailed and Academy/Lab style step-by-step tutorial (for SimpleLink Connect app study and modification) that one could take in parallel with a React Native one. Could Tony help us by giving more details?

Thank you for your help, kind regards


  • Hi Stefano,

    Thank you for reaching out. We believe this issue will be resolved for the upcoming 1.3.4 release of the application. Unfortunately, I do not have an estimate for when this release will be made at this time. With regards to the build environment setup, I am not very familiar with setting up the mobile OS development envinroment, but can you confirm if you were able to eventually set it up or are you still having a build abort?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi ,

    Thank you for your kind reply, from which I understand that this is an issue that you have replicated, that you're already aware of and not an isolated case. This one, in my opinion, should have been considered an essential showstopper for any release, if proper testing had been carried out. It seems to affect random phones (it looks like it's independent of which Android version they're running, including the latest commercially widespread v13). OAD on a (peripheral, in my case) device is too critical and dangerous to test only on with a generic central device built on a LaunchPad, when the real-life target central client is obviously the phone. It's not realistic to just forward the specs and expect it to work properly, if you outsource the app and the rest of the features. The firmware developer must know what's going on, to, at least, supervise, verify and test the feature, so it would be essential that one has the right tools and knowledge available. To make things worse, this strange and random incompatibility in an officially released companion app (supporting basically all wireless products) makes me even more scared that the process can go catastrophically wrong, especially when I was considering the persistent app model vs. the dual image one.

    In any case, given the situation, the only option left is to try and figure out what the issue is and if it can be solved, meaning becoming familiar with the React Native SDK and build environment, understanding the code and trying to patch and build your own app. Sadly, for a FW developer used to C, the SDK is based on JavaScript and its very unfamiliar (I would even say bizarre) syntax (and runtime model), along with the very problematic npm package manager and its dependency, versioning and path hell. That's what I found myself dealing with, when - unsuccessfully, but it's clearly my fault due to my inexperience, quick&dirty approach and the almost complete lack of instructions on the GitHub page - I tried. That said, I wasn't trying to compile the latest (buggy, for me) 1.3.3 version, since it's the one that is available in the Google Play Store, but the previous ones, to try and figure out when the bug first appeared and if it is, in fact, a regression. It would be useful if you provided, on the download page within the TI website, a link to the apks (and to whatever file format is used in iOS, if you're even allowed, by Apple, to side-load) of all the versions, since it's apparently impossible to downgrade in the app stores. By the way, its problems like this one that have inspired me, in another post, how it's so hard to become a successful app developer, if you're not familiar with the huge amount of testing that is carried out behind the scenes when a commercial mobile app is released.

    I don't understand if this thread can remain open for a while, perhaps someone else can contribute a solution, patch, workaround or wants to dive into the code like I intend doing (hopefully).

    Thank you for your great help, kind regards


  • Hi Stefano,

    I truly apologize the inconvenience this bug is causing in your development. I completely understand that this is a frustrating situation. I will try to follow up with the internal teams responsible for the application to see if they are able to provide a timeline. If I'm not mistaken, the issue appeared in an update made post-release and did not appear during testing.

    Again, I truly apologize for the inconvenience this may be causing. I reach out to the dev team to highlight the priority of this issue.

    Best Regards,


  • ,

    no need to apologize at all, all we get in terms of support (this exceptional E2E forum) and tools (like the SimpleLink Connect app) is a bonus and a booster in training and productivity. I was only concerned, given that I admire TI and your achievements (especially this new groundbreaking CC2340) very much, that a tool was released with such a showstopper of an issue, on the very first/major step/feature (scanning for devices...). As usual for developers, it's on us to learn and solve problems, while increasing our skill set, so, while bugs are never features, they certainly are opportunities (to learn). If I find the time to look into it and, perhaps unrealistically to fix it, I'll post my results here on E2E for everyone else to benefit.

    Thank you for your kind help, best regards


  • Hi Stefano,

    Thank you for kind words and I truly appreciate your patience here. We are always working hard to improve our offerings based on customer feedback and market needs. If there are any further issues we can help with, then please feel free to open a new E2E thread. I have reached out to the dev team and am still waiting for their response. Once I hear back I will update the thread.

    Have a great weekend!

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Stefano,

    I wanted to update you that a new version of the mobile application has been released recently. Could you check if this update resolves the behavior you were observing?

    Best Regards,


  • HI Jan,

    thank you for your kind personal update. I can only give you a partial feedback, since I'm on the go until today late afternoon CET, with only my Android 8 Honor 6X device. Sadly, having first cleared the v1.3.3 SimpleLink Connect app cache and data, uninstalled it and reinstalled v1.3.4 on this particular device, the faulty behavior persists unchanged. I will let you know with a separate post later today how it goes with the other Samsung A22 (with Android 13).

    Since my last post, I have been trying to fix this issue on my own, with the following steps taken:

    1) I have tried to examine some settings in the code, specifically where it deals with permissions and in and around the modules at the very early stages, since the issue takes place right away when scanning is requested;

    2) at the very beginning, I have tried to rebuild the app using the very basic and incomplete instructions found on the GitHub Readme, but it wouldn't get very far. To the developer's credit and partially apologizing on this harsh judgement, he/she is skipping over a lot of things that an experienced app coder probably gives for granted, specifically that, while using Expo, it's not "Plain Expo", but Expo-assisted React Native (see later on);

    3) then I plunged right into the greatest ever dependency hell that is npm/Node.js and the modules and TypeScript and their cryptic and misleading console errors and I could go on forever on this topic, in parallel and because of point 4;

    4) after further investigations, since it was built (and likely published) with the Expo (on top of React Native) framework, I tried to rebuild the app (before tweaking the code) using Expo Go as my playground, but with no results, as the Expo Go app wouldn't even connect;

    5) I looked into it further and, since it used a (very) outdated version of the Expo framework, it apparently turns out that you must have an entirely dedicated version-perfect toolchain (even the right earlier JDK) to even hope it might work. I didn't have a spare machine to dedicate to this custom versioning road to despair, so I turned to the cloud;

    6) while doing this, I realized that the code is using at least one non-Expo native package/module (the "Document Picker"), which is React Native-native (pun unintended), so it will never work with the handy "On-the-fly" Expo Go app, but it has to be built "natively", meaning you have to have the Android Studio SDK and all its linked tools and libraries available on your local machine (that's if you only want to build for Android, if you also want the iOS version, you need the entire Apple toolchain set up as well);

    7) so I decided to go "Quick and dirty" and I tried to rebuild the 1.3.3 app "vanilla" after signing up to the Expo EAS cloud services and it kind of worked (it built a sort of "custom" version of Expo GO which pre-boots the app), sideloaded it on my phone and it seemed like it was working (at least it boots up), albeit with the same issue at scanning;

    8) driven by this (very partial) accomplishment, due to the fact that there are some serious limitations on using the EAS cloud services on a free non-enterprise tier, I decided I would try to set up a dedicated machine with a specifically-versioned toolchain, only for this app and I'm half way through my journey (but the machine is quite limited so I don't know if it will succeed);

    9) the next step I intend to take is to recompile the app (on my local machine), whichever latest version is available on GitHub, hoping that your developer, who would be very welcome on this thread if possible, decided to stick to the same, outdated version of Expo (or, at least, to migrate to the latest one, so I know exactly what to set up, since there are insurmountable incompatibilities between versions, right into the app code structure);

    10) finally, if I accomplish point 9, I intend to experiment with the code, to see if this bug can be ironed out. Just as a reminder, all the BLE scanning tools I use on my (even Android 8) phones work perfectly (nRF Connect, BLE Scanner, Serial Bluetooth terminal etc.)

    All this said, I remind you that I'm a total phone app rookie and I hate JavaScript and its quirks and (often fatal) shortcuts, but I have now learned that it is mandatory to figure out a path towards figuring out what's going on at this level, if you want to be really serious about OAD Firmware and more in general BLE device development. I intend to seriously understand (and, clearly, incorporate) TI's certified OAD phone (central device) side OAD code, so that I am 100% sure I'm doing the right thing and I can discuss it with third-party app developers. This painful stage is a great boot camp and crash course in this framework-platform-monster type of app development environment and I hope I can survive it.

    Thank you so much for your kind help, I will hopefully update you later in the day and I will post any further achievement or solution, for anyone else affected.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Stefano,

    Understood, thank you for the details! I apologize that the latest update did not resolve the issue on the older Android version. Can you verify if its the same on the newer version as well? I am glad to hear you were able to make a lot of progress and even build the application on your side!

    Best Regards,


  • Dear ,

    apologies for this week-late update, but the reason behind the delay is not procrastination or, even worse, carelessness, but, rather, a very big effort in researching what could have actually gone wrong behind the (many and multi-layered) scenes. Rarely I have devoted this many resources in a non-strictly-strategic issue such as this one, without getting to a clear and definitive conclusion, even though (spoiler), the problem has been solved, albeit without a clear explanation. I must warn you, this is a long post, reflecting the many branches that this investigation led to. I, also, decided to gain access to another device, specifically a Samsung J3 running Android 5, which is the lowest version requirement imposed by the app. In the meantime, I have lost access to the Samsung A22 device (mentioned in my original post and running Android 13) and it's unlikely that I will be able to test it again in the near future. My findings, actions and conclusions, however, are not affected by this last factor, also because the original E2E post I related to and that I linked earlier, already gave a very precise hint about some sort of disconnection between the specific Android versions, also given that 13 is basically still the most current one, except on Google phones and on high-end flagships that have only recently been RTMed.

    I will split this post in four separate sections, in order for you (and anyone else affected or interested) to better understand my inquiry, regarding the SimpleLink Connect (SLCA from now on) BLE scanning issue on Android.  


    In the original post by user Masaki, it was already clear that she/he noticed a strange behavior according to different app versions (releases) in multiple Android versions and, already, there was something a bit suspicious and not very linear happening, considering that Android API changes seemed not specifically matched by code updates in the SLCA. This is why I began my journey by exploring two paths in parallel: looking into other possible related bugs, especially linked to the frameworks and libraries - I remind you that SLCA is built on the Expo framework, which stacks on top of the React Native Framework (both are JavaScript and Node.js based tools), that then further translates to the respective native Android (and iOS) libraries - used and possibly matching them to the app source code. The toolchain and stack layers here are very complex and you must add to them the huge dependency and versioning nightmare that is everything npm/npx based, plus all the JS quirks that are especially unfamiliar to a C-minded FW developer like me. Finally, one must consider the evolution and changes in the now yearly Android SDK/API releases (and the whole mess that they bring with in manifest-time and runtime permission requirements. It turns out there is another layer, even more obscure and potentially problematic, that I had initially ignored, but that could actually be the main one to blame, which is vendor/device/HW module-specific implementation (i.e. at the Android OS driver level), which is a real factor and probably the reason why vendors, when in good faith and not because it doesn't make sense commercially, claim they cannot update/upgrade a certain phone to the latest Android release. The other, more ordinary, path was to inspect, tweak and rebuild the code - even though I have almost zero experience in app development and I dislike JS, which I have only used in very limited browser and Node.js demos, like, for example, some fancy web-based front-end/dashboard, setting up a basic MQTT server on the cloud and some database-related code for data logging. While parsing the code, I also tried to examine version-specific commits, because, apart from what emerged from the Masaki post, I had briefly tried a previous, much earlier version of the SLCA working and scanning properly on that very same device it was now malfunctioning on. Even though I'm not skilled at it, I was encouraged by the fact that the issue actually took place at the very earliest stage (i.e. BLE device scanning), so I could limit myself in chasing the "bug", on a limited code surface. Here are the results.    


    To be honest, my suspicion from the very beginning was that the issue could be related to Android permissions, which are a major source of problems, especially between versions. I had checked, however, both in the SLCA code and within the device settings, that these permissions were both announced in the manifest and requested at runtime (as required) correctly in the code, with some minor uncertainty in some version-specific property settings that, potentially, could have created some problems. I played as much as I could with them (by deleting them or changing the Android versions they applied to) when rebuilding the SLCA (see Chapter B), but this didn't lead me anywhere. I also wanted to remind you that this was the first time ever that a BLE app gave me any problem at the scanning phase, no matter how complicated, device specific or "core" they were. That's when I started investigating every possible obscure and undocumented React Native related issue on GitHub and Stack Overflow, where I found some issues that I could hypothetically relate to. Here is just a small selection of a few of the relevant threads I considered, with their potential root cause listed in the title:





    The last two causes, as you will read later on, are probably the ones to blame, with the last one being the most likely.

    So, after spending countless hours searching and reading and (in parallel) in the building activities described in Chapter B, I finally decided to look for a device (a spared Samsung J3 sourced from a friend) running the earliest supported Android version (5), with the intention of climbing up/down the version ladder to see if the v8 I was initially unsuccessfully testing, despite being declared compatible, was at the lower end of the "supported, in theory, but untested" subset of devices. Quite surprisingly, it worked right away. This was useful for three reasons: I could rule out the low-end version theory; I got some great insight with version-related permissions, which are dealt with very differently in every Android release; finally, the fact that it was a Samsung - like the original A22 Android 13 phone, which also had the issue, although from, probably another "Samsung age", since it is at least 7-8 years old - having encountered certain specific vendor-related bug reports, probably with more "Samsung density", given the fact that they are the Android market leaders and likely sell more devices than all the others combined.


    Along with the results in parallel from Chapter B, I ultimately singled out, by subtraction, the issue to the vendor's (and the device model's) implementation of the Android OS and/or of parts of it. One more factor - apart from the already mentioned driver layer - to consider is that, while the underlying core OS modules should be (reasonably) the same for all phones, most vendors don't implement "vanilla flavor" Android, but slap their own UI (something I didn't consider too material to my specific issue), on top of the mandatory layers and actually disable and/or tweak/simplify certain features as they like. My last consideration was that, in the past, the only pain I had suffered when using other "core" BLE apps (i.e. BLE Scanner, LightBlue, nRF Connect etc.) was when trying to flush the BLE cache on my phone. The recommended method of deleting the BLE core service cache has never worked for me, something that has led to various headaches and that I'm aware of. So, basically, I suspected that the specific BLE HCI (or, more likely, some other layer) implementation was neither "vanilla" or 100% super compliant (or at least it didn't completely follow the mainstream behavior). The other lead was the ubiquitous and infamous location permission that Google is forcing whenever you're using BLE, which was also a major suspect in the above mentioned bug-related threads. This mandatory requirement, in my view, is not problematic just in principle, but also in practice. I always thought that its real purpose was to feed Google's massive Wi-Fi SSID/MAC (and, possibly even BLE MAC) location database, which they probably keep to enhance their main advertising data offering and revenue stream, but, apparently, they want to track you down with GPS too. My phone, like all other ones, doesn't have a dedicated GPS switch, but the more general "Position" icon, which is always enabled on my phone by default. So, following certain comments in the threads, I decided to focus, as much as I could, given they are user-inaccessible features that are buried in the phone, on trying to change the state of both the BLE and the GPS modules, essentially by playing with the cache, resetting the phone, cross-disabling/enabling them multiple times both in the Apps >> Permissions settings and toggling the BT and position icons and at different stages of the SLCA boot-up and operations. Given that I couldn't plan any meaningful course of action, but only a kind of "CTRL-ALT-DEL" approach, I have no specific and definitive clue about what exactly fixed the issue, only that it happened after quite a few random attempts (not right away). The one other, very minor (as it turns out), factor was that the storage permission was requested at boot time on the Android 5 phone, but was only announced on the Android 8 one (i.e. not requested at runtime and disabled in Settings >> Permissions, something that I enabled manually from there. After the scanning started working, however, I disabled it manually, rebooted the SLCA and it kept on scanning, so it's unlikely that the storage permission was material to the issue.

    So, ultimately, the good news is that the SLCA started working after this chaotic intervention, the bad news is that I can't actually pinpoint the single (if it's only one) factor, because I wasn't able to reproduce the "bug" anymore, at least at this early stage. This might not be the end of the story, however, because it could actually stop working again and, in that case, I will try to be more methodic, knowing that the issue (likely) is resolved by what I just described. All this said, my best educated guess is that:

    - the reason why the earlier SLCA releases worked could have been related not only to the app itself, but to the specific state (as in "state machine") of my phone (and, specifically, of its BLE and GPS modules). I suspect that, the low-level driver layer exchanges some state information with the Android OS, which might relay some false or misleading states to the permission and (especially) to the peripheral state event flags, with some buggy or unexpected error handling. It should be noted, anyway, that there are countless device and vendor-specific complaints (even related to very popular phones) in the Google Play store reviews, even for many very popular commercial apps, so this is a very well-known Android problem (unlike in the Apple market);

    - the SLCA uses a very simple approach to app-building (makes perfect sense, given its purpose and scope) and relies on its multiple multi-platform framework modules, whose error handling might be affected by unknown or incorrect states relayed from the OS, especially when it comes to corner/edge cases such as mine. As opposed to the more robust native approach - because of better module resetting calls and no translation inconsistencies - perhaps used in those other "core apps" which I mentioned earlier (that BTW are also long-term projects and not "collateral" tools for specific embedded device training) this other development strategy might translate into a less robust cross-device behavior;

    - SLCA device compatibility testing is probably more limited than average and, again, it makes perfect sense, since it's just basically a "playground", where firmware developers can test their device implementations and study the algorithms/code and proper steps to pass on to phone app developers. We all want TI to focus on devices, SDKS, documentation, great E2E support and not on apps.


    During my investigation, As I have already mentioned, I tried to find out if there was something slightly suspicious in the SLCA code, but first, I had to figure out how to rebuild it. I had realized that it was developed with React Native and built (and, possibly deployed) with Expo, although I discovered it didn't just use Expo-specific modules, but also at least one React Native-native (confusing, I know) one, the document picker. This meant (at least as I have understood), that it cannot be built, debugged and viewed on-the-fly with the handy Expo Go app, but it has to be built separately. This last step can be carried out either in the cloud, by signing up to and using the Expo EAS services, or locally on your machine.  


    On the EAS cloud, the vanilla code compiled and sideloaded OK (at least up to the enable scan stage), but my tentative experiments and tweaks (which I began on 1.3.3 and then continued on 1.3.4 after it was released) either didn't correct the issue, or else they prevented the app from booting or crashed it. The only problem I had when building v1.3.4 (not with v1.3.3) was that it aborts reporting a syntax error in the app.json file (SCLA root directory) with an extra "," after "com.ti.connectivity.simplelinkconnect", that you might want to look into. Perhaps the developer is using certain more relaxed building/compiler flags/options:

    Error parsing JSON: {
      "expo": {
        "name": "SimpleLinkTM Connect",
        "slug": "SimplelinkConnect",
        "version": "1.3.4",
        "orientation": "portrait",
        "icon": "./assets/images/icon.png",
        "scheme": "myapp",
        "userInterfaceStyle": "automatic",
        "splash": {
          "image": "./assets/images/splash.png",
          "resizeMode": "fill",
          "backgroundColor": "#cc0000"
        "updates": {
          "fallbackToCacheTimeout": 0
        "assetBundlePatterns": [
        "ios": {
          "supportsTablet": true,
          "bundleIdentifier": "com.ti.connectivity.simplelinkconnect"
        "android": {
          "package": "com.ti.connectivity.simplelinkconnect",
        "web": {
          "favicon": "./assets/images/favicon.png"
    └─ Cause: SyntaxError: Expected double-quoted property name in JSON at position 672 (line 27 column 5)
      25 |     "android": {
      26 |       "package": "com.ti.connectivity.simplelinkconnect",
    > 27 |     },
         |     ^
      28 |     "web": {
      29 |       "favicon": "./assets/images/favicon.png"
      30 |     }

    Once I removed the "," I ran:

    eas init


    (node:22799) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
    (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
    Heavy check mark Existing project found: @disegni/SimplelinkConnect (ID: e1dc81ef-ff2c-4686-ab56-43b735fb7f09). Link this project? … yes
    Heavy check mark Project successfully linked (ID: e1dc81ef-ff2c-4686-ab56-43b735fb7f09) (modified app.json)

    then I added an eas.json build profile file in the SLCA root directory, in order to build a standalone apk that I could sideload in my phone, which contained the following:

      "build": {
        "preview": {
          "android": {
            "buildType": "apk"

    I then ran:

    eas build -p android --profile preview

    and everything went fine (with both versions), with the resulting SLCA sideloaded and working on my phone like the one downloaded from the Google Play store. Initially it wouldn't scan, but after the efforts described in Chapter A, once reinstalled after deleting the now working official build from the Google Play store, it would scan. BTW, the only visible difference when built using this EAS cloud method vs. the official version is the much larger file size 38.6MB vs. 15.37MB. This may be due to some optional modules being baked in, or some debugging code that I haven't bothered to flag out.

    This (only partially explained) success, however, didn't fully end my investigation. I wanted to check back the earlier 1.3.3 version, in order to see whether the actions described above would allow scanning on that one too. Since I could not choose to download the older version from the Google Play store, I rebuilt it from source on the cloud and sideloaded it, after uninstalling v1.3.4. No matter what I tried, it would not scan, so another finding is that the latest version does indeed bring some earlier Android compatibility benefits. By the way, and I might be wrong, one main behavioral difference that I have noticed before the scanning stage between SLCA v1.3.3 and v1.3.4 is that the latter apparently reboots right after requesting and setting permissions and this could be one of the mitigation factors, since this latest release notes actually did mention earlier Android version fixes.


    In this case, I found setting up the toolchain properly very complicated, to the point of it being almost undefined, because of the dependency and versioning requirements spread over multiple layers: host OS, Node.js/npm, deprecated Expo version - there are very big code incompatibilities between releases and it's mandatory that you stick to that same version - different OpenJDK versions according to which Expo/RN, Watchman dependencies and absence of pre-built packages, Android toolchain build components, SDK and NDK components and probably even more. The local build process logs, despite trying to follow the (confusing and spread everywhere) instructions, are an endless flow of warnings, deprecations, options, version exceptions etc, which, for me, always led to frustrating abort statements, some at very late stages. It must be said that the recommended instructions at the SLCA GitHub page seem to suggest building directly via React Native (i.e. skipping the Expo stage, as I understand it, perhaps because all Expo modules and configurations are already set up/pre-built, configured or whatever else, in the distributed code). The instructions, however, are very short and they refer to more detailed ones on the React Native website, but that's where I get lost with my Linux machine, due to the versioning problems. It even suggests building and installing Watchman, a very specific file monitor tool, which BTW is apparently in itself one of the abort reasons, from source code and then running it, but this I would say is out of the scope of my journey. This is why I have, at least temporarly, abandoned this local build option and only relied on the successful EAS cloud one.


    I realize that this post is very long, especially given that it is related to my individual and specific issue, and I apologize for the time taken before and after it. There are two reasons why, however, I put all this effort, both in researching the problem and in reporting my actions and findings in such great detail. The latter is so that anyone who encounters another episodic issue with the SLCA, can refer to them, without wasting all the time it took me to investigate and (almost) sort out mine. Perhaps, the random and unclear mitigation steps mentioned earlier will work for them too. The former is that, given the exceptional, personal and free(!) top-tier engineering support that we get here on this amazing E2E forum, I think that it is our moral obligation, once we raise a question or an issue and grab the related attention from TIers (and other users too), that we do our technical very best, as a follow-up and as a possible solution to share with TI and other fellow E2Ers.

    Thank you for your kind and personal help and for the new, working, app release. I am now ready to start fully implementing OAD in my CC2340 application framework and flagship device, strictly according to TI's guidelines and best practices.

    Best regards,


    PS feel free to mark the issue as resolved, unless you need more clarifications.

  • Hi Stefano,

    Thank you for the in-depth investigation, testing, workaround, and solution you have provided! I have forwarded all of this to the software team so they are able to benefit from your good work. Thank you for sharing this with the wider community as this greatly helps everyone. :)

    If you run into any further issues or have any additional topics you would like to discuss, then please let us know and we would be more than happy to help!

    Best Regards,


  • Hi ,

    thank you for your kind words. Just one more comment and a request to the SW team:

    1) I have had a second thought on those permission issues, could it have something to do with permission request timeouts / not waiting for a call's result before actually starting to scan (and it locks for that reason)? I'm a bit shocked every time something in JavaScript is translated into more procedural languages like the native ones. When I approach a language, I'm not so interested in the syntax and the libraries/methods etc. but more about how it (meaning the compiler, which for me IS the language) maps to the actual hardware and OS (perhaps this is due to my FW/C/ASM background. That JS works like it has an in-built scheduler/supervisor and everything is running all over the place has always puzzled me as the exact opposite of being deterministic. Plus, honestly, it seemed a little bizarre that this v1.3.4 looks like it's rebooting after getting permissions, I've never seen this behavior anywhere else. Also, it's possibly the only BLE app I've ever encountered that doesn't check whether BLE is actually enabled. Anyway just a rookie's thoughts...

    2) in your next release, could it be possible to only use native Expo modules, I think the only one that is Reactive Native-native is the document picker, but perhaps there are more? The switch shouldn't be too hard, I suspect it only involves choosing the FW bins and perhaps just a few other options. In some comments on the web, I've also read that this approach has solved some compatibility issues. I understand that there could be a reason for this not being possible, but the outcome would be that we could play with the code live and have the results shown on the fly in Expo Go. It would be awesome, as a starting point for app (and FW feature and demo) development.

    Thank you and the SW team once more for your great support and again, feel free to tag this issue as "TI thinks it's solved" (and I'll follow up confirming), unless you want to elaborate more or it becomes an open canvas for SimpleLink Connect issues or discussions on its improvement.

    Kindest regards


  • Hi ,

    first of all, I wanted to confirm that I managed to integrate the OAD functionality (currently, my preferred on-chip single image flavor), both in my application framework and in my consumer product prototype and it worked superbly from the very beginning, using the super simple SLC app. I'm thrilled that I managed to achieve all my intended goals (and more) with this awesome device, mixing FreeRTOS calls, SimpleLink and low-level drivers and also operating on the bare-metal/registers to even meet some time sensitive bitbanging goals. BLE5 Stack efficiency and SDK robustness, along with the M0+ core and clock speed, means they don't get too much in the way. I'm super happy and thankful for all the terrific E2E support from all of you TIers.

    Before marking this issue as resolved, can you please confirm that my "Fully Expo-native so that it is usable with Expo Go" SimpleLink Connect feature (actually development) request has been forwarded to its Development Team? Obviously, this doesn't mean that it has to be accepted and implemented, but just for their kind consideration?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Stefano,

    Thanks for reaching out! I'm glad to hear an update on your progress! Very happy to see you were able to successfully integrate your desired functionality into the application. I would like to confirm that I have filed a ticket with our software dev team and passed along your feedback to be considered for a future release.

    Again, thank you for all the thorough feedback. It truly helps us improve our offerings as well as the customer experience we are offering.

    If there's any further issues in your development or anything else we can help with, then do not hesitate to let us know and we would be more than happy to help!

    Best Regards,


  • ,

    I'm very grateful for your intervention. With a relatively small development effort (if it's technically possible), in its next release, TI can improve this already super useful tool, to a whole new level. If you investigate the matter and/or just ask around, I think that you will realize that this small piece of advice from "userland" is indeed valuable. In this incredibly competitive and frantic market, no matter how awesome a device like the CC2340 - and all other TI products - and their SDKs are, the tools and collateral are just as, if not even more, crucial for adoption and success. Actually, as a side note, upgrading to a more recent version of Expo and React Native would also be very much appreciated, since there are major versioning hurdles that are fairly easy for a skilled phone app developer to overcome, but, like I reported in my previous post, are a mind-boggling nightmare for FW-oriented app rookies like myself. I now mark this thread as resolved.

    Kind regards,
