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CC1310: Porting of CC1310.

Part Number: CC1310

Hi team,

Here's the request from the customer:

The customer wants to port CC1310F128 from 7*7 to 4*4, how to deal with it? Putting .C and .h files in 4xd which caused many errors when compilation.

Could you help check this case? Thanks.

Best Regards,


  • Please provide details on what SDK or TI-RTOS version the customer is using.

    Also provide info on what HW he is using. 


  • Hi Siri,

    The SDK is simplelink_cc13x0_sdk_4_20_01_03. The emulator uses launchxl-CC1350-4, and the target board is made by customer himself.

    There are some detail shown below:

     red words says: why there is no pin.c? 

     red words says: Why is the initial value of  Watchdog_count not defined and referenced later? Does it not include the real file?

    What's more, are there any example of cc1310 4xd?

    Best Regards,                                                            


  • I think you need to go one step back to be able to get this up and running.

    The questions related to the watchdog etc. does not have anything to do with the package type, and you should first get one of our default example project up and running properly on your 4x4 device before starting to modify the code.

    I see that there are both the rfPacketTX file from the rfPacketTX example, and the watchdog.c file from the watchdog example included.

    Start with one of the examples, and do only the necessary changes to get this ported to 4x4.

    This would include updating the CC1310_LAUNCHXL.c and CC1310_LAUNCHXL.h files to be compliant with your 4x4 package and your HW.

    Take a look at the following post:

    (+) CC1350: Porting example program for Launchpad to custom board - Sub-1 GHz forum - Sub-1 GHz - TI E2E support forums

    You should probably also remove the CC1310_LAUNCHXL_fxns.c since this file contains board specific initialization functions for the CC1310 LP.
