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LAUNCHXL-CC3235S: LAUNCHXL-CC3235S: network_terminal example Compilation Error: "Error: Exception occurred calling addInstance()

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC3235S
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG

Hi everyone

There is a locked thread with the exact same title... The answer from Shlomi helped there:

"Looks like the CCS version is OK and you are having some incompatibilities with sysconfig.

From the SDK I could see it was designed and tested with Sysconfig 1.15.

Can you install it and set it in CCS so 1.15 is used instead of 1.12?"

I happen to have that problem a lot in various examples.

Where can I see, which version of sysconfig the example was designed for?

If I need to change the Sysconfig version, do I really need to delete the not used version from the filesystem and copy the correct one into a folder where CCS can discover it? I hope, there's a better way...

Kind regards
