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  • OPA237: High-Current Coil Driver with Push-Pull Configuration and OPA237 Configured as a Differential Amplifier

    Part Number: OPA237
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA454, DRV421,


    High current Measurment doc.pdf

    Hello everyone,

    I have a question regarding the OPA237 with PushPull, specifically about its configuration. I'm referring to the content…

  • DRV411: design consideration for drv 411

    Part Number: DRV411
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV421, OPA454, OPA237, TIPD184


    Dear team,

    I am referring to the TI design guide titled ±50A Current Sensor Using Closed-Loop Compensated Hall Element (…

  • OPA237: 2D Bar code info - OPA237NA/3K

    Part Number: OPA237

    Hi Experts , 

    Good Day , 

    Can you please check and verify the bar code info of the TI label is ok to accept ? I don't know how to decode the bar code info of the part. 


    Looking forward for your valuable support on this…

  • OPA237: Need conformation of Label date code and Binary code of part marking MPN : OPA237NA/3K

    Part Number: OPA237

    Hi Experts,

      Can you check and confirm label date code and part marking binary code are consistent with the TI requirements ? 

    Binary code : Year - 0110, Month - 1000

    Can help to advice binary code marking for year and month?

    MPN : OPA237NA…

  • OPA237: Need Confirmation on part markings and DIE markings - MPN : OPA237NA/3K

    Part Number: OPA237

    Hi Experts,

       Please find below part markings of OPA237NA/3K and can you please check and confirm the part markings and DIE markings are correct with TI requirements ? 

    MPN - OPA237NA/3K


    Looking forward for your valuable support to accept…

  • OPA237: Date code of Unit Markings and Label is matching with each other.

    Part Number: OPA237

    Hi Experts , 

    Can you please check and confirm the date code on Top markings of the part matching with Label info ? 

    I don't know how to decode the unit markings on the part. 

    Please help on this matter and looking forward for your…

  • UCC2801: Stability or measurement issue

    Part Number: UCC2801
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UC3842, OPA192, OPA237


    I'm facing difficulties to check the stability margin with Bode 100 on a flyback built around UCC2801.

    The flyback is in inverting step up mode with the following param…

  • OPA237: opamp driving piezo // request for alternative opamp

    Part Number: OPA237
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA187, OPA196, OPA191, TINA-TI, TLE2022

    Dear team TI,

    we are using the OPA237NA to drive a small piezo. The piezo has a voltage range of 0 .. +150 V and a capacitance of about 2,6 uF. We power the…

  • OPA237: VOUT swing data at +18V and +15V supply

    Part Number: OPA237


    My customer wants to know VOUT swing range at +18V and +15V supply range (single supply) to confirm if it is suitable for their design.
    I know this device is an old device, but do you have any data?


  • OPA237: Potential alternative?

    Part Number: OPA237
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA196


    What do you advise as potential P2P drop-in alternative to OPA237NA/250 ?
    Any alternative that we have available on TI.COM stock?



    Hi Dianne,

    As you know, the OPA237 is a really old device so that information is not in the datasheet. Most modern op amps include HMB and CDM ESD tests / specs.

    For the OPA237, the HBM spec is 2000V.

    Would you consider using a newer device? I can…


    Part Number: OPA237

    We are updating our component information and are in need of the following information:



    ESD Test Specification:


    Hope to hear back from you in a timely manner.

  • RE: TINA/Spice/OPA237: OPA237/Oscillation during transition


    In the product folder of LT1013, I can only see the PSpice package, no TINA ref design is there.
    In the net-list file also nothing is mentioned in description. It is much old model from 2002 and hence the release templates might be different.So hard…
  • RE: TINA/Spice/OPA237: OPA237/Oscillation during transition

    Thanks. Is there a reference design TSC file for LT1013 as well to see what parameters are modelled?
  • RE: TINA/Spice/OPA237: OPA237/Oscillation during transition


    You can go to the following product folder link,

    Then click the following(shown in image), it will download automatically.

    Open the downloaded TSC file in TI NA-TI to view as I have shown in the last message.

  • RE: TINA/Spice/OPA237: OPA237/Oscillation during transition


    The parameters which are captured are mentioned here in the ref design,

    Whatever parameters are captured w.r.t temperature will also be mentioned here in description.

  • RE: TINA/Spice/OPA237: OPA237/Oscillation during transition

    How can I open OPA ref design on TI product folder to see which paramters are modelled? Can you explain it again in detail?


  • RE: TINA/Spice/OPA237: OPA237/Oscillation during transition

    Hi Kaveh,

    FYI, Generally speaking, we don't model variation vs. temperature. This is especially true for loop stability analysis. Occasionally for certain parameters we will, but this will be rare. For instance in the case of OPA237, if you open the…
  • RE: TINA/Spice/OPA237: OPA237/Oscillation during transition


    Understood your problem now.

    Yes, LT1013 is a much old model and can have problems.

    Regarding the problem you are saying, I am not exactly sure how closely our models replicate the temperature dependency of all major parameters which can also lead…

  • RE: LT1013: LT1013

    Thanks Thomas. Previously I was told to use TLV2262AM, OPA237, and LMC6001 instead.
    Can you explain more in what terms TLE2021 is similar to LT1013 and better to use rather than the other ones? in terms of the location of the poles, frequency response…
  • RE: TINA/Spice/OPA237: OPA237/Oscillation during transition

    I am using v9.3.200.277 SF-TI from

    My point is this circuit oscillates in practice at -45 but I can not see any sign of oscillation in simulation.

    Besides, when I use LT1013, VO (OPAMP) settles about 1 V eventually but in practice it settles on 0 V…

  • RE: TINA/Spice/OPA237: OPA237/Oscillation during transition


    1. In the circuit you had shared as attachment, res R2 has didn't have a proper connection with Cap C1 and op-amp output(vo).

    2. Temperature for any required simulation in TINA can be set in from Analysis --> Set Analysis Parameters


  • INA193: INA193, LT1013

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LT1013, OPA237, INA193, LMC6001

    I have the attached circuit as a Voltage Controlled (V_Control) Current Source (I-Load).

    This circuit has an stability issue. When V_Control drops from 3.3 V to 0 V the circuit works fine…

  • RE: TINA/Spice/OPA237: OPA237/Oscillation during transition

    The problem here is that, in practice we measure oscillation at -45 but I can not simulate it not because of temperature.
    As I said, the oscillation happens when pin 3 of OPAMP make step transition from 3V to 0V. When it is 3V T1 is saturated so overall…
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