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  • TPS61253: 375mAH battery -TPS61253 - BQ25895 chip - load circuit does not boot up

    Part Number: TPS61253
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25895, ,

    Hello all,
    I am using TPS61253 Boost IC to boost 3.8V from 375mAH Li-Ion battery to operate a load of 2A and also charge the backup Li-Ion battery of 115mAH using BQ25895 chip. Looks like…

  • 車載電源技術をより速くさらに先へ

    TIのエンジニアであるPradeep Shenoyは画期的なイノベーションの実現から社員の教育まで、次世代の車載電源技術をさらに前進させることに情熱を注いでいます。


    Pradeepはテキサス州北部の自宅でドキュメンタリー番組“Long Way Up”を視聴しながらも、頭の中では、エピソード内で描かれるあるシーンに思いを巡らし、自分の思考を解決モードに切り替えていました。それは、俳優ユアン・マクレガーが友人とハーレーダビッドソンの電動バイクに乗って旅をするなかで、バイクのバッテリ充電と奮闘するという点です…

  • BQ25600C: A couple of clarifications needed in the datasheet

    Part Number: BQ25600C

    Dear TI power-team,

    Regarding BQ25600C, please help clarify the following questions:

    1) When used with <= 800mAh batteries, the preference will be to have the charger disabled. Reason being that default charge current would be to…

  • Achieve big board-size reductions with tiny, precision op amps

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: OPA2134, OPA1652

    Electronics such as smartphones, tablets, notebooks and wearable products are becoming more multifunctional, smaller and slimmer. Achieving higher functionality in smaller form factors requires extremely…

  • Integrated Wireless Charger receiver for 0.35mA/4.2V Li battery

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ51051B, BQ51050B, BQ25100, BQ51003, TIDA-00318, BQ25120


    I am looking forward to charge a Li battery with constant current 0.35mA and constant voltage 4.2V. I found BQ51051B as a potential integrated charger. It supports…