Part Number: MAX3237E Hi team, DIN pin question.
Q1. What is the logic of DOUT when the DIN connection is high impedance? Q2. Does DIN have internal protection such as resistance? Q3. Is high impedance guaranteed to work?
Conditions VCC:3.3V SHDN:VCC MBAUD…
Part Number: MAX3237E Hi,
Good Day.
I want to use the TI MAX3237ECDB as a drop-in replacement for an existing design.
The existing design has used the Maxim MAX3237CAI , ST Micro ST3237EBPR, and Intersil ICL3237ECAZ. All of these parts are pin-pin compatible…
Part Number: MAX3237E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MAX3238 Hi,
Good Day. I have a customer who wants to know what is the output of DOUT pin when DIN is in high impedance and Forceoff=H, Forceon=H. Thanks.
Best Regards,
Ray Vincent
Part Number: MAX3237E Dear TI E2E member,
As I know, Icc is 2mA(Max) @ IC is no load.
Could we know how much Icc @ IC is normal load?
Customer want to assess the power dissipation.
Part Number: MAX3237E Hi Team,
MAX3237E spec describe the data signaling rates up to 1Mbit/s.
is it equal baud up to 1Mbit/s?
if my customer would set the baud 921600, have any issue?
this document is basically saying exactly what I want to achieve:
7.8 Local Interconnect Network Interface…
I see all pin has voltage when connceted. This is good. For PC terminal program to send data the remote RS232 device (MAX3237) must set handshaking lines properly. For PC terminal program to receive data the remote RS232 device (MAX3237) send data…
I don't think that the circuit used on the MSP-EXP430FG4618 is able to communicate at 900kbps, the optocouplers have a propagation delay of around 0.8µs. So that will limit your data rate.
An option might be the MAX3237 which is specified to…