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PGA309: PGA309EVM Multi-cal

Part Number: PGA309
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MULTI-CAL-SYSTEM,

To whom it may concern,

I initially tried to use the supplied RS-232 cable to communicate to the HP34401A VOM with the Multi Cal system. After setting up the multimeter I could not communicate with the VOM. Luis at TI suggested that most use the Multi Cal system with the GPIB interface. I have configured the VOM to communicate via the GPIB interface and assigned it the address "2". I have also assigned the script "2" as well. The program insists the address is invalid. I have verified the USB to GPIB converter is seeing the VOM (See attached word doc.) The address the program is using is identical to the address recognized by the converter program (See again word doc attached). I have attached the script I'm using as well. Any help is welcome.



IEEE488_address> 2
pause> 2.0
write> MEAS:VOLT:DC? 10,0.00001
read_dbl> 64

  • GPIB com error.pdf

    The word doc did not load. I'm sending the images in PDF format.

  • HI Joe,  

    I will set up this in the lab and reply in a few hours.



  • HI Joe,

    Lately, most Customers have been using the GPIB interface.  The MULTI-CAL-SYSTEM uses the GPIB-USB-HS National Instruments IEEE488 controller to interface the 34401A multimeter.   The MULTI-CAL-SYSTEM software is written in LabVIEW and the Multi-Cal-System User Guide requires the NI GPIB-USB adaptor when using the GPIB interface. Are you using a different GPIB adaptor/controller?  If you are using a different adaptor, do you have access to one of these NI's GPIB-USB-HS adaptors?  I am not certain if different GPIB adaptors are compatible with the existing software.

    Below are some of the MULTI-CAL system snapshots where the meter communicates using GPIB address "2".  I also ensure to change the 34401 meter address to GPIB "2" by configuring the GPIB interface device directly on the 34401 device menu.  Also attached voltage multi-meter script.

    This is the DMM voltage meter Script with address GPIB set to "2" that I am currently using, with the meter set for voltage measurement: 

    write> MEAS:VOLT:DC?
    read_dbl> 64

    Also, below please find the download links for the last version of the PGA309 Multi-Cal software:

    NOTE: The software update does not change the multi-meter connection scripts, the software had other corrections done by the team of engineers involved in the original development.



    Thank you and Regards,


  • Luis,

    I loaded the latest version of software and this has resolved the intermittent communication error on various various channels. Thank you. I have purchased a National Instruments USB to GPIB converter. It is working correctly according to my PC and the address that shows up on the debug section of the Multi cal program is correct. I have verified the script is correct showing the same address of 2 and is In GPIB mode. I still get no voltage readings when I run the program. It doesn't tell me there is any communication error, so I am not sure what else to do. Let me know your thoughts. See the images attached for my set up.

    Best Joe

  • I keep trying to upload a PDF file with images of my set up but it doesn't look like it is working. Or it did and you have many copies of the same file and I can't see. Sorry if that is so. If not let me know how I can get them to you.

  • Another piece of information. When I query the converter using the "Visa Detect" in your program the converter LED indicating activity lights up. When I run the calibration program it never lights up.

  • Hi Joseph,

    The pdf files did not attach to the post above.  I appear to be able to load files without issues, not sure why the attachments are not posted above.

    In general, the MULTI-CAL program will issue an error if there is communication issue with the 34401 multi-meter.  I am unable to reproduce the issue. I wonder if there is a conflict between the Keysight VISA you were originally using and the National Instrument's VISA software.

    On my setup, when performing the voltage meter measurements, the GPIB-USB-HS "READY" LED remains on and the "ACTIVE" LED blinks while issuing the voltage measurements, connecting the meter on the front.  My system uses Windows 10; I also uninstalled and re-installed the MULTI-CAL software provided on the post above to ensure I have the exact same setup.  On the Multi-Cal "Model File", I call for the DMM Script File; "Voltage_34401_GPIB_Customer" to ensure the Multi-Cal software calls for the intended DMM script during the voltage measurement.  Below find attached the MULTI-CAL setup files (model file, pre-cal file and DMM Script), and some screen captures / images of the setup.

    A few ideas/comments to attempt to debug the issue:

    - I noticed that you originally had a Keysight VISA / IO software; I wonder if there is a conflict between the NI and Keysight driver.  Is it possible to uninstall this Keysight VISA software, uninstall also the MULTI-CAL software, power-off/disconnect the 34401; then re-install the MULTI-CAL Software (use Administrator privileges) and power-up and reset the multi-meter to GPIB address 2, and attempt to run the Multi-Cal software?   What operating system is used on the PC?

    Thank you and Regards,


    Multi-Cal model, pre-cal and DMM script files on a zip file:

    Snapshot of the "Debug" page on the GUI:

    Snapshot of the "Run Cal" page on the GUI:


  • Luis,

    Thanks for your prompt reply as always. I have been tied up with other things and am now just getting to this. Thanks for Ideas. I will remove the Keysight utilities and try again. The image in your reply showing the "Test/Debug" tab and the resultant Visa Detect data I also am getting. I can even rerun the "Find Visa Equipment" button after changing the address on the Meter and it changes. So I know I can communicate to the meter. Also, this is the only time I the activity indicator goes on, on the GPIB to USB converter. Thanks for the zip file I will try that next and get back to you as well.



  • HI Joe,

    Thank you for the update.  On myside, I will see if I can borrow a fresh PC and install the multi-cal software and see if I can reproduce any issue with a VISA or any conflict related to Lab VIEW drivers or software; but have not been able to reproduce or have not seen this issue.

    Best Regards,


  • GPIB problem Images..pdf


    I am at my wits end. Here's what I've done and don't know what else to do.

    1) I removed the Keysight utilities and the National Instruments utilities. As a consequence of removing the National files the Multi Cal code was removed.

    2) I did a clean installation of both the National utilities and the Multi Cal code that you sent me.

    3) I also used the "Voltage_34401_GPIB_customer" in the Model file.

    None of this helped. I can still find the Meter and it's address in the "Test/Debug" tab. Again, when I change the address at the meter the resulting change is registered in the "Test/Debug display. When I run the Calibration routine the meter reading is always NaN. I was able to load the PDF this time so you can see what I'm seeing.



  • Hi Joe,

    Thank you for sharing the images.

    In some Agilent/HP equipment, NaN usually means the signal is outside of range per the mutimeter.  In other setups I have used in the past with other multimeters, if the signal rised outside of the selected range, the DMM will return NaN.  Not sure if it may be that the meter is not by default set in auto-range? and may have to be initialized to a larger voltage range. I am not certain if this is the root cause of the issue.

    Please kindly share your model/pre-cal/DMM script on a zip file and allow me a few hours to set up in the lab; and I will attempt to reproduce the issue.

    Thank you and Regards,


  • HI Joseph,

    I have sent you a message via private conversation.

    I have not been able to reproduce an issue the HP34401A multimeter GPIB connection when using the Multi-Cal software and using a two different PCs with the GPIB-USB-HS.  In an effort to debug the issue, I will get a hold of a fresh PC to check if there is any missing drivers or software installers issues; and attempt to reproduce the issue.  I have not seen this issue reported in the past, however, please allow time to see if I can reproduce the issue on a fresh PC.  I will update you via private conversation.  

    Thank you and Regards,


  • Hi Joseph,

    I was able to install the Multi-Cal software and the GPIB-USB-HS GPIB driver on a new/fresh PC and run the Multi-Cal software.  When running and installing the Muti-Cal software and NI drivers, please ensure to use administrator privileges. 

    The latest Multi-Cal software executable that I provided on the post above was developed on LabVIEW 2016. Please ensure to install the NI GPIB-USB-HS driver NI-488.2 compatible with LabVIEW 2016.  It appears NI-488.2 driver versions 19.5 to 16.0 are compatible with LabVIEW 2016.  See table on attached link below. On this new PC, I used NI-488.2 version 19.0.   Please check the links below.

    On the new PC, I noticed that the program needs to be run using administrator privileges; and I did actually saw issues with the multimeter when attempting to run without administrator privileges.  To run with administrator privileges, ensure to find the Multi-Cal program shortcut on the PC start menu, right click on the shortcut, go to "more", and select "Run as administrator" as shown below. 

    Thank you,



  • Luis,

    Thanks for all your input! I'll get to work verifying administrator privileges and do a fresh install. I have NI-488.2 version 18.5 so as long as I don't let it try and update I should be fine. 



    P.S.I got an NO reply update that you wanted to be friends on the TI forum. When I clicked accept it said there was no friend requests. Don't know what is going on but I would gladly accept. You have always been a great help to me while navigating the PGA 309 system issues.

  • Joe,

    I received an email mentioning that you accepted my friend request (I initialized the friends request, so only you can approve the friend request) and you already show on the friends list. I also started a private conversation, it works just like the forum, you should be able to reply there in the same fashion.   



  • HI Joe, 

    I was able to reproduce the issue using the modified Multi-Cal "model file" you have  provided via direct conversation.

    The parameter "Samples to Average" is erroneously set to 0.0000,  which causes the GUI to not trigger meter measurements.  This parameter is set by default to  '1.000000' and/or can be set to a positive integer value.

    I will continue this conversation off the forum via direct conversation, and close this post.



  • Luis,

    I didn't pay any attention to that adjustment when I first built that model file. I was just getting familiar with the program. I did generate that file using the older software and not the latest one you linked me to. I'm wondering if the older code sets the value to 0. I would like to hope that was the case but who knows maybe I inadvertently did it. Al least this hard lesson has made me aware of a good feature to have when taking measurements to achieve better accuracy through averaging.

    This did indeed work and I am moving forward! Thank you for working so long with me to resolve this! I do very much appreciate it!



  • Hi Joseph,

    This is good news!  Yes, there are quite a few moving parts and different pieces to this system, and debugging can take time. I appreciate working with us.  Thank you, I appreciate the confirmation, glad you can proceed with the PGA309 development.  Let me know if you have questions.

    Kind Regards,
