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LMH6672: Recommended Operating (-40 to 150) or (-40 to 85)

Part Number: LMH6672

I'm looking at the datasheet for LMH6672.

The recommended operating temp is specified as -40 to 125C in 6.3 on page 4

Then its re-specified in the packaging information on Addendum-Page 1 as -40 to 85.

Which is the max operating temp. 85C or 125C?

Tj will never approach 150.


  • Hello Shiraz,

      You are correct, the recommended operating temperature for the LMH6672 is as stated in the datasheet of -40 to 150 C, and the parameters in the datasheet are correctly specified in their temperature range. Thank you for catching and reporting this issue. We will have this parameter corrected on the site's parametric search and product details overview. 

