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PSPICE for TI errors ERROR(ORPSIM-16363) and ERROR(ORPSIM-16499)

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV522, TINA-TI, PSPICE-FOR-TI


I have a problem with PSPICE for TI. 

I have made a simulation


of transimpedance amplifier and instrumentation amplifier using TLV522. In the Monday (22-03-08) simulation was working as expected but after library update simulation do not work anymore. I tried reinstall libraries and reinstall PSPICE for TI software but it did not help. 

I get errors 



** Creating circuit file "bias.cir"

* Profile Libraries :
* Local Libraries :
* From [PSPICE NETLIST] section of C:\cds_spb_home\cdssetup\OrCAD_PSpiceTIPSpice_Install\17.4.0\PSpice.ini file:
.lib "nom_pspti.lib"
.lib "nom.lib"

*Analysis directives:
.TRAN 0 50000ms 0 10ms
.PROBE64 V(*) I(alias(*)) W(alias(*)) D(alias(*)) NOISE(alias(*))
.INC "..\"

**** INCLUDING ****
* source CO_AFE
R_R7 N34191 +1V8 0.001 TC=0,0
C_C1 0 N34191 1n TC=0,0
V_V1 N34191 0 1.8V
C_C2 0 N34690 33p TC=0,0
R_R6 0 N34690 510k TC=0,0
C_C3 0 N34690 220n TC=0,0
X_U5 N34690 N34570 +1V8 0 N34570 TLV522
R_R5 N34690 +1V8 1500k TC=0,0
R_R4 N34570 CO_VREF 47k TC=0,0
C_C8 WE 0 12p TC=0,0
C_C9 CO_VREF WE 12p TC=0,0
C_C10 0 CO_VREF 12p TC=0,0
C_C11 0 CO_VREF 1n TC=0,0
C_C12 N36027 WE 1n TC=0,0
R_R13 N36462 WE 15k TC=0,0
R_R14 N36027 N36462 1k TC=0,0
R_R15 N36027 N36504 1k TC=0,0
R_R12 N36504 WE 15k TC=0,0
R_R9 N36111 N36027 47k TC=0,0
C_C7 0 N36111 1u TC=0,0
X_U6 CO_VREF N37875 +1V8 0 N37818 TLV522
X_U7 N36111 N37906 +1V8 0 N37801 TLV522
R_R20 N37875 N37906 100k TC=0,0
R_R19 N37818 N37875 100k TC=0,0
R_R21 N37801 N37906 100k TC=0,0
R_R16 N37822 N37818 300k TC=0,0
R_R17 N37826 N37822 400k TC=0,0
R_R18 N38298 N37826 1500k TC=0,0
R_R23 N37814 N37805 400k TC=0,0
R_R22 N37805 N37801 300k TC=0,0
R_R24 0 N37814 1500k TC=0,0
X_U8 N37814 N37826 +1V8 0 N38298 TLV522
R_R25 N38335 N38298 47k TC=0,0
C_C13 0 N38335 1u TC=0,0
R_R26 N38335 0 1000k TC=0,0
Q_Q1 +1V8 N40555 N40470 QbreakP
R_R31 +1V8 N40555 100k TC=0,0
R_R32 N40555 N40292 10k TC=0,0
R_R29 N40474 N40470 1k TC=0,0
R_R30 N40474 N40478 1500k TC=0,0
C_C15 N40474 0 1n TC=0,0
V_V3 N42035 0
+PULSE 0 1 5000m 100n 100n 50m 100000m
Q_Q2 N40292 N43004 0 QbreakN
C_C16 N43004 0 10n TC=0,0
R_R33 N42035 N43004 20k TC=0,0
R_R34 N42035 0 20k TC=0,0
C_C14 N43650 N40478 100n TC=0,0
R_R28 N43650 CE 10k TC=0,0
R_R35 N43838 N40478 10k TC=0,0
R_R36 N40478 RE 10k TC=0,0
C_C17 WE N44158 50m TC=0,0
R_R37 WE N44158 100 TC=0,0
R_R38 N44192 RE 2 TC=0,0
R_R39 CE N44192 100 TC=0,0
C_C18 CE N44192 50m TC=0,0
R_R40 N44158 RE 2 TC=0,0
R_R41 RE N49008 1000000k TC=0,0
R_R42 N49008 WE 1500k TC=0,0
V_V4 N54559 0 1.8V
R_R49 N54559 N40470 90000k TC=0,0
X_U9 CO_VREF N43838 +1V8 0 N43650 TLV522
X_U10 CO_VREF WE +1V8 0 N36027 TLV522

**** RESUMING bias.cir ****


ERROR(ORPSIM-16363): Command invalid in subcircuit
ERROR(ORPSIM-16499): Missing .ENDS in .SUBCKT

WARNING(ORPSIM-15256): <X_U5.XU10.VMINIO> not a subcircuit param

WARNING(ORPSIM-15256): <X_U5.XU10.VMAXIO> not a subcircuit param

WARNING(ORPSIM-15256): <X_U6.XU10.VMINIO> not a subcircuit param

WARNING(ORPSIM-15256): <X_U6.XU10.VMAXIO> not a subcircuit param

WARNING(ORPSIM-15256): <X_U7.XU10.VMINIO> not a subcircuit param

WARNING(ORPSIM-15256): <X_U7.XU10.VMAXIO> not a subcircuit param

WARNING(ORPSIM-15256): <X_U8.XU10.VMINIO> not a subcircuit param

WARNING(ORPSIM-15256): <X_U8.XU10.VMAXIO> not a subcircuit param

WARNING(ORPSIM-15256): <X_U9.XU10.VMINIO> not a subcircuit param

WARNING(ORPSIM-15256): <X_U9.XU10.VMAXIO> not a subcircuit param

WARNING(ORPSIM-15256): <X_U10.XU10.VMINIO> not a subcircuit param

WARNING(ORPSIM-15256): <X_U10.XU10.VMAXIO> not a subcircuit param

  • Hello Mantvydas, 

    Welcome to e2e! I just used the TLV522 from the integrated PSpice for TI Library and was successful. I have archived and attached my project here for you.

    Therefore this problem is more related to PSpice for TI and not the TLV522 model. 

    There are a couple of things I would like to check to zoom into the issue you are experiencing. Could you please share which version of PSpice for TI you are running and what library version it has installed. This can be done through the top toolbar, in Help > TI Models, Products or Application Support. 

    For example this is the version I am currently running and my library was updated yesterday: 

    Don't worry if you PFTI version is 2021 (I am beta testing the newest one before it is released to the public). 

    You might find that by pressing the "Reinstall TI Models and Libraries" it reverts to a really old library version (this has happened to me in the past). The only remedy I have found here is to close the application and wait to the next day. The model library version will update overnight. 

    If waiting is not a feasible solution for you, I recommend working in TINA-TI. I noticed that the TLV522 model is not available online but it is found in the integrated library in PFTI. I have added it here for you. This may be imported into TINA using the "New Macro Wizard" 


    Please let me know if you need further clarification or assistance. 

    All the best,

  • Thanks for your suggestions and sorry for delayed reply, we had holidays in Lithuania :)

    I tried to "Reinstall TI Models and Libraries" and then waited till library updates, but after updates issue is still there.

    Simulation is working with the subcitciut without TLV522 amplifier.

    Help > TI Models, Products or Application Support page is blank and look like this on my PC:

    Problem with simulation is that I get errors like this when I add an amplifier

    ERROR(ORPSIM-16363): Command invalid in subcircuit
    ERROR(ORPSIM-16499): Missing .ENDS in .SUBCKT

    and do not understand how to fix it.

    I have tried to reinstall the software and libraries and even created a new project but problem is still there Disappointed

    Maybe you will have some suggestions? Slight smile


  • Also I have tried your model and it also gives the same errors in simulation:

  • Hello Mantvydas, 

    It is alarming that you are not able to see which version you have installed or which model library version you have. I am transferring the thread to the PSpice for TI team to help you. 

    All the best,

  • Hi Mantvydas,

    Please accept all model updates when prompted by PSpice for TI. You will be prompted once per day by the software if there are updates available. Your model library needs to be updated. 

    Thank you


  • Wow, that worked! My simulation works again, thanks a lot ;)

  • Hi Caro

    I am working with Mantvydas and i have the same error with the same project.

    Reinstalling of libraries does not help.

    Could you help me also?


  • Hi Vaidas,

    why not working with TINA-TI?



  • Hi Vaidas,

    When the PSpice for TI library is reinstalled, it will install a base version of the library. Additional updates to the library will be added the next day. Please accept all model updates when prompted by PSpice for TI when you launch the tool. You will be prompted once per day by the software if there are updates available. Once you accept and install any model updates, the errors should be gone.

    Thank you,


  • Hi Kai,

    PSpice for TI is a more powerful tool with many advantages over TINA. Please check out the landing page and you can download PSpice for TI. 

    If you would like to discuss further, please create a new E2E thread.

    Thank you,


  • Hi Jackie,

    I know that TI is in a transition phase from TINA-TI to PSPICE-FOR-TI. But as long as many users have severe issues with the new simu, it might be a good idea to run the well known TINA-TI to get the job done in time Relaxed
