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TLV1805: Similar of ISO1212 and TLV1805

Part Number: TLV1805
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO1212, , ISO7720, ISO1211

I have only one question that due to lack of stock in market.

Can you provide me any alternative belongs to ISO1212 and TLV1805.

In EVSE both the part are unreplaceable. I tried out too much.

I have found ISOW78XX and ISO7720 near by that. but still not satisfy the actual requirement.

Can you help me???

Please provide Circuit simulation If have regarding similar.

Also TLV1805 Have shutdown pin. 

I have done too much research on it but I haven"t found similar.

Please guide me with Schematic or relavant circuit if have any.

  • Hi Bhardvaj,

    Thanks for reaching out.  At the moment we do not have a p2p replacement for TLV1805. What are your requirements (speed, supply voltages, power consumption) of your system/circuit involving the TLV1805? And what is the actual application? 

    In regards to the ISO1212, I will need to forward this thread to the isolation team for further guidance. 


  • Hi Bhardvaj,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    We don't have a direct pin to pin replacement for the ISO1212. The only other isolated digital input device that we have is the ISO1211. This device is functionally the same as the ISO1212, but has only one isolated digital input channel instead of two. 

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

