Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV2461, , OPA325
Dear all,
we are searching for a suitable OP-Amp for a unity-gain-buffer configuration to buffer the high-impedance source voltage signal which needs to be measured by an other device (RTU) with an ADC.
The design of this RTU is not optimized for measuring high-impedance sources, as the ADC in the RTU has a voltage devider on it's input in order to reduce input signal voltage to not exceed max ADC input voltage.
This voltage devider, however has a relatively low impedance, so that we need to buffer the output signal of our high-impedance source. Our rail voltages are 0 to 5 V, input voltage is also 0 to 5 V
We have now identified different options one is the OPA344, the other is the TLV2461.
Looking into the data sheet of the OPA344 I found that there is a transition region where characteristics may be degraded.
1) My question here is now, if this degradation is already included in the specs table, i.e. in the min and max values given there?
2) In the data sheet of the TLV2461 I cannot find information on such a transition region. So does this part not have this limitation and would probably be the better option for a unity-gain-buffer ?
Thank you for your support!