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AMC23C10EVM: Designing a device to verify correct resistors are selected during product assembly

Part Number: AMC23C10EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC23C10, TLV9001

We use several different resistors that are externally identical during product assembly. I would like to design a device that would verify the correct resistor is selected by the assembly operator. The AMC23C10EVM seems to fit the description, but I'm not sure where to go from here. Would I need 3 separate power supplies for the 2 reference voltages as well as the input voltage that runs through the resistor? Or can I use a single 5V or 12V power supply split into parallel?

I would need at least 40 of these devices, so simplicity would be ideal. I'm a mechanical engineer so I'm a bit out of my depth when it comes to circuit design.

  • Hi Will,

    Welcome to EE, I hope you enjoy your time here. This sounds like an interesting application. 

    Is isolation between the low and high side necessary? 

    The AMC23C10 is intended for high voltage applications and I would not expect these resistors to be on a high voltage potential.  

    We do not recommend using the EVM directly in an end application as it has not been rated for high voltage. 

    An array of general purpose amplifiers, such as TLV9001, depending on accuracy requirements, may be able to work as well. 

  • Thanks for the reply. To be more specific, here are some details:

    Resistor 1 (R1) range = 300-400 ohms

         R1_low = 300 ohms

         R1_high = 400 ohms

    Resistor 2 (R2) range = 1400-1700 ohms. 

         R2_low = 1400 ohms

         R2_high = 1700 ohms

    Part Number ABC uses R1. Part number XYZ uses R2. The general concept was to set up a window comparator device for each part number using the given resistance ranges to define the upper/lower output voltage boundaries.  As the difference between resistors is significant, the accuracy demands are relatively low. For safety reasons I'd like to limit the input voltage to 12V. If this is beyond the AMC23C10, is there another EVM that is better suited?

    I appreciate the input. 

  • Hi Will,

    Yes this should be fine. 

    I would recommend an external resistive divider connected to the input of the AMC23C10 as the input could not handle a direct 12V: assistance with design can be found here:

    The reference voltage can be set by modifying R7: