LM324LV: About the change in the output of the opamp when using offset voltage

Part Number: LM324LV
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1115



I am designing a photodiode amplifier circuit by referencing to this document.

This is my schematic.

(I set the V_OFFSET to 0.1V using resistor.)

I prevented light from entering the photodiode to measure the dark current of the photodiode in this circuit.


When I set feedback resistor(R1) to 3.2Mohm, VOUT is about 200mV.

When I set feedback resistor(R1) to 1Mohm, VOUT is about 700mV.

I expected the VOUT to be output as (Ipd x R1) + V_OFFSET in my circuit.

But, when i changed feedback resister(R1) from 3.2M ohm to 1M ohm, VOUT inceased about 500mV.

I was wondering why the VOUT increased even though I lowered the feedback resistor.

Is there something wrong with my circuit?

