There is no opamp with exactly the same electrical characteristics.
Similar rail-to-rail opamps are OPA2990, OPA2991, OPA2196, depending on what GBW you actually need.
Hi Francis
Do we have rail to rail amplifier p2p with TL082? I checked that TLV9352 is not p2p.
What packages are you looking for? Here is overall performance and package comparisons.
As Clemens indicates, general purpose op amps do not have wide range of RRIO op amp. One with RRIO features general costs more, as in OPA2991.
However, if you look into Precision op amp families (Vos <1mV), there are wide range of selection. In terms pricing, is it no under 10 cents range, but it may be cheaper than OPA2991 or similar type. For instance, OPA2197, TLV2197 etc., there are number of op amps have performance specification better than OPA2991 and low in cost with RRIO.
If you have other questions, please let me know.