I try to build up a photodiode amplifier with a bandwidth up to 2MHz using a hamamatsu S1226 photodiode. The op amp I chose is a THS3201. The circuit has been designed with TINA (see attached file) and finally build on a simple platine with common parts. The circuit has been adopted from examples with similar tasks which I found in this forum.
However, testing the circuit by the use of ambient light and a laser pointer, the output voltage is not changing. Quite in contrary, the signal is oscillating with about 1MHz between the input voltages of +-5V which brings the supply current above 25mA which is far too much and the amplifier gets hot.
As I am a mechanical engineer, I'm not well versed in opto-electronics and need some help to find a solution. The questions are: Did I use the right amp, and the right circuit? Do I need special resistors and capasitors? The photodiode has to be used for light extinction measurements which means that the light power available will be much less than those of ambient light or a laser pointer. The circuit designed with TINA can handle this, but what's in reality?
I'm looking forward to your suggestions!