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problem with TLV2372

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV2373, TLV2372

I am using TLV2373 as an amplifier in single supply mode. since the input signal to the amplifier  contains both dc and ac voltages. so in order to decouple dc from the amplified signal i am using a decoupling capacitor at the output but after decoupling i am not getting a symmetrical ac output. why it is so.

                        i am also uploading the schematic of the circuit as well as the input and output waveform. The 2nd image is of applied input signal & the 3rd image is amplified voltage at the output if the TLV2372 & 4th image is of the voltage signal after dc decoupling.


Akhilesh Sati

  • Akhilesh,

    It's not clear how you expect this circuit to perform.

    It appears that you intend C1 to couple a a square wave that is centered around 0V. This causes SD1 to conduct on negative voltages and charges C1. This AC coupling with a clamp diode will cause the lowest voltage at VM2 to charge to the threshold voltage of DS1 (approximately 0.1V below ground).

    U2 is connected as a comparator. Is this what you want?

    Regards, Bruce