My customer has two questions regarding the LMV762MM. Please refer to the datasheet, document # SNOS998H, revised March 2013. First, regarding the table "5.0V Electrical Characteristics" on page 5,
1. Can you please provide the min/max values for Vo (output voltage) when there is no current into/out of the output pin? Second, refer to Figures 15-16 on page 8. The graphs seem to contradict the earlier Vo parameter I mentioned. I would have expected that the output voltage would be zero (assuming a logic low state) for zero current and be slightly higher for a large amount of output current due to the RDS-On of the output FETs. The output should always be trying to drive either 0 or VCC, so it isn't clear why 2.5 VDC would ever be a valid output value. Can you please provide explanation?
2. Finally, I would note that Figure 15 seems to have a typo. The title of the figure is "ISource vs. Vout" but the Y-Axis is labeled "ISink"