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I got a simple sounding question I am just not able to find an answer for, so feel free to help me:
Can the closed-loop gain of an OpAmp exceed the open-loop gain?
My first intuition told me no.
I am working a lot with photodiodes and their transimpedance circuits, in there a current is converted into a voltage with the help of the feedback resistor, which also determines the gain, but here we are not talking directly of a voltage gain so maybe this is already the wrong comparison point.
In TIA circuits i use gains of sometimes 10MOhm or even higher, 10M would be 140dB, which already exceeds the datasheet open loop gain of my used OPA2277, but I do know from measurments that it is still working ( dont know how linear though).
So please feel free to leave your comments and answers if you got any ideas about it.
Thanks a lot.
Hello Seb,
Can the closed-loop gain of an OpAmp exceed the open-loop gain?
No. The closed-loop gain ACL is the gain achieved as the result of closing the feedback loop around the amplifier. It is established by the open-loop gain (AOL) and feedback factor beta (β).
ACL = AOL / (1 + β*AOL)
where β = Ri / (Rf + Ri) Ri is the input resistance, Rf is the feedback resistance
If AOL= 1 M (V/V), Ri = 1 k Ω and Rf = 9 k Ω, then
ACL = 106 V/V / [(1 k /( 1k + 9 k)) * 106 V/V] = 10 V/V
Thus, the ACL is much lower than the AOL in a practical circuit. The ACL can be made much larger but the gain error increases as ACL increases.
In TIA circuits i use gains of sometimes 10MOhm or even higher, 10M would be 140dB, which already exceeds the datasheet open loop gain of my used OPA2277, but I do know from measurments that it is still working ( dont know how linear though).
The gains discussed above are voltage gains where a voltage at the input is multiplied by ACL and results in a voltage at the output. The voltage gain is actually unit-less because it is output volts, over input volts. However, I like to specify units of volts per volt (V/V). Then it is obvious that it is a voltage gain stage.
The transimpedance amplifier provides a different function than the voltage amplifier. It produces an output voltage change (∆V) for input current change (∆I) presented at the amplifier summing node (inverting input). ∆V/∆I is a dynamic resistance. If we were talking about dc response only, then it might be called a transresistance amplifer. However, because we use the amplifier not only for dc, but ac as well we need to refer to impedance and certainly that is why it is called a transimpedance amplifier.
The transimpedance gain is established by the feedback resistance value. It works out that the gain in Volts/Amp (∆V/ ∆I) is the R value. You mention a feedback resistor of 10 M, which is 107 Ohms. That resistor value results in a transimpedance gain of 107 Volts/Amp, or 107 Ohms.
The transimpedance gain (V/A) of the amplifier can be a much higher than the open-loop voltage gain (V/V). Often, both the AOL and transimpedance gains are stated in decibels (dB). For example, an amplifier's AOL may be listed as 120 dB typical in the data sheet and is specific to that gain. Then, in the case where the 10 M feedback resistor is used the transimpedance gain is 20 log 107, or 140 dB, for the same amplifier. Thus, the transimpedance gain number can exceed the open-loop gain number.
Regards, Thomas
PA - Linear Applications Engineering
Hello and thanks for the long detailed answer.
I poseted taht question in another forum, and there someone suggested that the used OpAmp has to be unity gain stable since it is somehow working with gain = 1 for the transimpedance case, can you say something about that.
He said it is because the voltage gain is supposed to be 1, I could quite understand his thoughts since the input "sees" only a current and no voltage, but I would be glad to hear your thoughts about it.
Hello Seb,
An ideal current source can be modeled as an infinite impedance. When connected to the input of a transimpedance amplifier having a large feedback resistor the noise gain of the amplifier is AV = 1 + Rf/Ri. If Ri is infinite, or even an extremely high resistance, the gain is very close to +1 V/V. Therefore, a unity-gain stable amplifier is required for stability, but that is an oversimplification. The feedback resistance, in conjunction with the input capacitance of the op-amp and shunt capacitance of the current source - commonly a photodiode, can easily create enough delay in the feedback loop to cause the unity-gain stable amplifier to become unstable. The instability is due to diminished phase margin.
Rather than recreating much of what has been written about transimpedance amplifiers I will refer readers to an EDN article, penned by Bob Pease, on the subject. Bob provides a good discussion about their stability, noise, and bandwidth concerns and how they are intertwined:
Regards, Thomas
PA - Linear Applications Engineering
Hello guys,
I just read the post to refresh some TIA concepts, and I'd like to add another question.
Is the assumption of the closed-loop gain:
just a simplification? I mean, it is true that most of the current will flow through RF, but if there is a Ci (OpAmp + CPD) and a RSHUNT from the PD... Shouldn't we take that into account in the current calculations at the summing point?
EDIT: The question was better explained and answered below
I read quite a whole lot about that, I think the most to be distuingisht in your simplification is the frequency, since a capacitor is essentially a short for high frequencies and open for low frequencies.
So the feedback capacitance, wheather soldered in your TIA or not ( then there will always be parasitic capacitance), will effect your closed loop gain, since it takes over feedback impedance at a certain frequency upwards.
If you really want to understand all of this you have to study some notes, book, app notes and so on. Former TIs Ron Macini is always a good starting point with his "OpAmps for everyone".
I think I was not clear enough, sorry.
It's not about the effect of the feedback components (parasitic or not) on the close loop transfer function. When I said the following formula was a simplification:
I meant
ACL = VO/IPD = ZF (including any kind of parasitic components)
But I still think that's a simplification, since we don't take into account the part of the current from IPD that goes directly to ground via the input capacitance of the OpAmp or CPD.
As you said, we don't need to care about those elements when we are at DC, but shouldn't they be taken into account when we increase the frequency? (We do take them into account for the feedback factor Beta)
Thanks for the feedback!
EDIT: The question was better explained and answered below
In my opinion this is taken care of in diagrams, of course not in a formula, so if you consider a diagram, frquency over closed loop gain, the closed loop gain will not be stable but fall at a certain point and this is due to capacitance.
From Greame ( for theoratical viewpoint :) ) page 39: This has not yet something to do with resiatnces but it shows how every formula can be made harder and harder to follow and to understand, which is basically why there are those assumptions, since every engineer wants to keep it simple as possible until problems hit in, like oscillations offset noise etc.
Vout = iphoto * Rfeedback / ( 1 + 1 / Aopenloop*beta)
loop-gain: Aopenloop * beta
since normally the loop gain is really high , like 120dB the equation can be told much easier with the ideal equation which is again your postet equation.
But with higher frequencies matters change. And so on
There are more complicated formulas also int hat book,, so if you want it the hard way get it it is well worth a read, I consider it the basis of every work surrounding TIAs for photodiode applications, all other app notes basically derive more or less from this book until today :)
I finally spent some time making the math myself and now I see it more clear.
You are right, the common expression for the closed loop gain in a TIA is, in all the bibliography:
ACL = Vout/IIN = -ZF/(1+1/(beta*AOL))
And that was exactly the expression that puzzled me. For some reason I thought that, in order to obtain it, the standard feedback system transfer function:
ACL_standard = Vout/VIN = AOL/(1+beta*AOL)
Was used and then VIN was replaced by IIN*ZF
But I was wrong. To obtain ACL_TIA I just used simple circuit analysis starting with:
VOUT=-VIN_neg*AOL (since VIN_pos is connected to ground)
VOUT = IF*ZF+VIN_neg (with IF being the current flowing from VOUT to VIN_neg through ZF)
These two lead to:
VOUT = IF*ZF-VOUT/AOL [Expression A]
And then we check the currents in the summing node:
IF=VIN_neg/ZC - IIN (with ZC being the total impedance between the OpAmp terminals: photodiode, OpAmp input, parasitics to ground)
Using again the first expression, the sum of currents looks then:
And if we use that in [Expression A] we get:
From which we can finally derive:
ACL_TIA = VOUT/IIN = - ZF / (1 + (ZF/ZC+1)/AOL)
Which turns out to be -ZF/(1+1/beta*AOL)
Since beta, the fraction of the output that goes again into the loop (VIN_neg/VOUT) is ZC/(ZF+ZC), a simple voltage divider cause the impedance of the Input Current source is infinite (or was already included in ZC).
I hope this mathematical elaboration helps others in the same way it has helped me clearing concepts about the real closed loop transfer function of a transimpedance amplifier without simplifications.
Thanks seb for posting, and I will definitely take a look to the book you suggested.
Have fun catching photons ;)
Gefeba said:a simple voltage divider cause the impedance of the Input Current source is infinite
Actually in this term there is something interesting too: for TIAs where the Rfeedback can get very high, in value comparable to the resistance of the current course, the offset value at the ouput will raise once this happens, since i tis also building something like a voltage dividor, or actually a voltage divider not something like.
But glad I could help a bit.