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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL082, TLV2372, TLV272, LM358


Sorry, if this is not the appropriate forum for my question,I am using ASLK PRO, I want to use the kit in single supply battery powered mode(9 volts). My ultimate goal is to implement an electret microphone preamp using this kit, so that I can analyse the audio using an MSP430 kit. However, there are other opamps specifically designed for audio applications, I want to use ASLK PRO. I have gone through some video by Dr. Steven Bibyk available on TI website, he states that  the ASLK kit can be used  in single supply mode. 

I have used TINA for simulation of TL082 in single supply mode, and run the dc and transient analysis, so far simulation results are correct, but when I switch to ASLK hardware, nothing seems to work.I am attaching the TINA model.


  • Hi Rohit,

    I am not sure from where within TI the ASLK PRO kit originated. The web page doesn't appear to provide any information about the kit's schematic so I don't have any information about the circuit's it uses.

    Your TINA simulation looks okay and demonstrates that biasing the non-inverting amplifier at half V+ allows an operational amplifier to be operated with a single supply. Your ASLK PRO circuit would have to be connected in the same manner to duplicate this operating condition.

    The kit includes the TL082 operational amplifier; note that its data sheet is specified with +/-15 V supplies. That appears to be the optimum operating condition and the data sheet is written around. Operating it with a single 9 V supply, the equivalent of +/-4.5 V dual supplies, is at the very low end of the operational range of the amplifier. If the ASLK PRO circuit is set up correctly for a single supply, it may be that the TL082 is hitting a parameter limitation when operated with such a low voltage. My thought is the common-mode input voltage range (Vicr) is being violated. In which case the amplifier may not be in its linear operating range.

    You may want to try another, lower voltage operational amplifier that has rail-to-rail input such as the TLV272, or TLV2372:

    You should be able to obtain samples of these amplifiers through TI's sample system.

    Regards, Thomas

    PA - Linear Applications Engineering

  • Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for the suggestion! FYI, ASLK kit was developed at TI, India.. and its been adopted widely in colleges and universities across India. Anyways, I have solved it and circuit is working as per the simulation results. I had to operate it on 9 volts, which helps to go with the common mode input range specs...also I tried with LM358, single power supply opamp, since its pin compatible with TL082. It does the job pretty well.
    I would also like to try with the opamps suggested by you.
