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LM108AJ-8 replacement

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM10

I was told by TI customer support that the LM10 is the replacement for obsoleted LM108AJ-8, which has compensation pins 1 and 8.

There is a 30pF cap between these two pins on customer board.

How would I need to set bandwitdh and slew rate on LM10 similarly?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Victor Veloz

  • Hello Victor,

    The LM10 is not the proper replacement device, it is the LM101A (note the "A" is important as the non-A was discontinued long ago).

    The LM108A was an improved version of the LM101A, as the LM108A added super-beta transistors that reduces the input bias and supply currents significantly.

    The LM101 and 108 BW are similar with 30pF, so you should not need to change the cap IF it is a single pole compensation (cap between pins 1 and 8 only). You should not have to change anything.

    Beware that the LM101A's bias currents are much higher than the LM108, and that the circuit can handle that.

    See AN-29 for more compares the LM101 to the LM108.
