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I have an application in which I need to perform automatic gain control. I plan to implement this function by observing the peak of the input signal and using that as my criteria for gain adjustment. I have been successful in implementing the PGA section of the design. However, it is the precision peak detector that causes problems.
- Single supply operation +5 or +3.3V
- Input signal's peak voltage may be in the mV to uV
Previous Work:
- Tested with 1N4001 diode (possibly too slow?)
- Using TI's TL062 JFET amplifier (should I use an amp with a different input transistor?)
I would like to know of a circuit using a rail to rail single supply op amp that can put out a half/full wave rectified signal so that I may low pass filter the output to get a peak signal. I can't go with a simple peak detector because it will not rectify the low amplitude signals that I am seeing. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Thank you,
Hi Alex,
I've attached a few PowerPoint slides showing a very neat single-supply, rail-to-rail I/O, full-wave rectifier using the OPA2364 (dual OPA364) operational-amplifier. It is usable for a supply range of +1.8 to +5.5V. An especially nice feature of this rectifier implementation its bipolar input capability. The input signal may swing negative, below 0V, as well as positive. The example in the first couple of slides swings +/-4.95V, with a +5V supply.
By the way, this circuit was extracted from "Op Amp Stone Soup," by Tim Green, TI's Linear Application's Engineering Manager.
Regards, Thomas
PA - Linear Applications Engineering
Thanks Thomas,
I'm going to give this circuit a try. By any chance, do you think this would work with one of TI's TL062 op amps? I ask this because I happen to have them on hand!
Hi Alex,
Unfortunately not. The TL062 is a more traditional JFET input operational-amplifier designed to be powered by +/-15V. It won't achieve the correct internal biasing with a single +3.3V supply and doesn't have the input common-mode voltage range, or output swing range needed for the full-wave rectifier application I provided.
Regards, Thomas
Thanks for the quick reply. I've put this circuit together in TINA TI. However, simulation indicates that this circuit does not work well for higher frequencies. My end application uses a 300 kHZ sine wave. When I simulate this, the circuit fails to work acceptably.
Do I need a faster switching diode? Perhaps I need to go with some kind of half-wave rectifier? Do you have any ideas on this?
Thank you,
Hi Alex,
I suspect that the OPA364 slew rate (5V/us) isn't fast enough to follow a 300kHz, full-scale sine wave. My suggestion is you consider another, faster, single-supply operational-amplifier for the application. Two models that I would consdier using in your simulations are the OPA365 and OPA350. They have much wider bandwidth and are faster slewing amplifiers than the OPA364.
TI has an applications note about absolute value circuits that may be of interest to you:
Note the similarity between a sine wave after passing through an absolute value circuit and a full-wave rectified output. Let me know if you want to explore active half-wave rectifier circuits.
Regards, Thomas
Thanks for the reply. I searched for and found another circuit that appears to do exactly what I want it to. I was able to get it to simulate "well" with the THS4221 op amp. I'm probably going to sample the THS4222 (dual version), and see if it works well in reality. Let's consider this case closed for now.
Thank you,
Will the OPA211AIDR work in this circuit? Working on a full-wave rectifier that can operate between 100KHz-1MHz.. Our system uses 100KHz but we want to catch any spikes (peak detection) which we calculate to be about 1MHz.
Hi Tony,
The absolute value circuit can be made to work in the 100 kHz to 1 MHz frequency range, but a wider bandwidth, faster slewing operational amplifier than the OPA211 must be used. And you must be willing to burn some current to get the higher speed operation.
I've redesigned the original absolute value circuit using the fast OPA354 CMOS operational amplifier. See the circuit shown below - the TINA-TI Spice file is attached. I used two OPA354 amplifiers in my simulation, but the dual, OPA2354 could be used instead. I expect that higher bandwidth, faster slewing operational amplifiers will produce a higher accuracy absolute value function.
Regards, Thomas
PA - Linear Applications Engineering
For the most part the circuit works great. There are some things that I have questions about.. I am using the OPA23254AIDGKR. I have it on a surf board with components wired out. When ever I turn on V+ (5V), the output jumps to V+. We want it to stay at 0V. I was thinking that maybe somehow V+ was coming through the diode D1 and putting a cap there to filter the DC would help. What do you think?
Hi Tony,
There isn't any direct path to V+ through the OPA2354 amplifier section having the diode in the feedback path. I expect that adding a capacitor anywhere in the signal path would disturb the ac performance. I tend to think the problem may be related to a start up timing relationship between V+, the mid-supply source (VS1) and possibly VG1. Do you have VS1 bypassed with a capacitor? I didn't include one because the sources in TINA can be set up as ideal.
You may want to put a scope on the supply line, mid-source supply, signal source and outputs during power-up to see if there is a condition that is forcing the output to V+. How do you get it out of the output lock-up condition?
PA - Linear Applications Engineering
I built the circuit as per schematic. So no capacitor on the input. I read the V+ as soon as I turn on power. And that is without the input signal. I have been experiment with a cap on the output. Which works great but the output signal is now distorted. The cap that seems to work best is 4700 pF. Again this is happening with or without the input signal connected. Once it is turned on it functions great. I just need to get rid of it so not to get a false error at start up.
Hi Tony,
The absolute value circuit that I provided is intended to be driven by a low impedance source; the closer to zero Ohms the better, but a 50 Ohm source impedance should be fine. If the source impedance is very high, or infinite like an open circuit, the OPA354 output will scream up to its positive supply rail level. If that is the case, try placing a resistor from the union of R1/R2 to the +2.5 V high side of VS1. This will place the inputs of U1 near +2.5 V and keep them from following the output to the positive rail. Also, the VS1 connection at U2's non-inverting input must be properly bypassed to ground with a capacitor. Something around 100 nF should be a good starting value.
If you find you just can't get the circuit I recommended operating as needed, you may want to consider some other designs. TI has an application note, SBOA068, that provides some alternate absolute value circuits. However, you will have more experimenting to tell if any one circuit meets all of your criteria.
The SBOA068 applications note is available via the TI website.
Regards, Thomas
PA - Linear Applications Engineering