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OPA333: Open-Loop Gain and Phase vs Frequency

Part Number: OPA333
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC2252, LMC6022, TLV2711

Hi all

Would you mind if we ask OPA333?

On the datasheet Figure3. Open-Loop Gain and Phase vs Frequency, it shows in case of Ta=25C.
Do you have the data in case of high temparature or low temparature?
We would like to know whether there is the difference between high temparature and low temparature.

We guess that Open-Loop Gain is varied(distorted) by the load.
Do you have the in case of various load patterns?

Kind regards,

Hirotaka Matsumoto

  • Hi Hirotaka,

    I will have to look around to see if I can find any additional data, but generally yes Aol will degrade over temperature. Aol will also degrade with heavier loads, and reactive loads can introduce additional poles in Aol. If you want to understand more about this effect then you should watch the TI Precision Labs videos on stability, which can be found here:

  • Zak san

    I will have to look around to see if I can find any additional data, but generally yes Aol will degrade over temperature.
    ->We need characteristic figure with high/low temparature and high/low impedance as the reference.
       We are waiting that you find additional data.
       We appreciate your help always.

    Kind regards,

    Hirotaka Matsumoto

  • Zak san

    Furthermore, we  watched TI Precision Labs videos on stability, however we could not find AOL which is relation to temparature.

    Kind regards,

    Hirotaka Matsumoto

  • Zak san

    Could you give us the reply about our last update?
    Or, could you share us your circumstance?

    Kind regards,

    Hirotaka Matsumoto

  • Hirotaka san,

    I apologize for the delay, I do not have direct access to this information so it has taken me a bit to find it. I have managed to find additional data for AOL over temperature, but this data is under NDA and as such I am not able to post it on E2E. If we have an NDA with the customer then I can share it with them directly.
  • Zak san

    Thank you so much for your support always!
    We are checking whether the customer has NDA with you or not.
    And then, we will feedback you later.

    Kind regards,

    Hirotaka Matsumoto

  • Hi Hirotaka,

    it can be helpful to look into the datasheets of similar CMOS OPAmps to get an idea of what is going on with Aol at different temperatures and loads. TLV2711, TLC2252 and LMC6022 contain very useful information. All theses OPAmps have a low quiescent current which is comparable to the OPA333.

  • Kai san

    Thank you so much for your suggestion!

    We will inform it to the customer as the reference.

    Kind regards,

    Hirotaka Matsumoto

  • Hirotaka

    We haven't heard back from you. Did you get feedback from your customer on this issue? If you need more help with this just post another reply below.

  • Dennis san

    Thank you so much for your reply!
    And then, we apologize that we are late to feedback you.

    As the conclusion, the customer confirmed that there is no problem about device.
    Thanks to your help, it could solved.
    We appreciate your help.

    Kind regards,

    Hirotaka Matsumoto