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MULTI-CAL-SYSTEM: Change HP34401A to Keysight34461A

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PGA308, , PGA309

I am now calibrating the PGA308 using MULTI-CAL-SYSTEM.

The voltage is read from the MULTI-CAL-SYSTEM Labview software using the HP34410A as an RS232 script.
The Keysight 34461A has a USB interface.
Can I replace the HP34401A (RS232) with the Keysight34461A?

What should I do if it is replaceable?

  • Hi Byeong,

    As you have mentioned, the MULTI-CAL-SYSTEM offers the RS232 and GPIB scripts for the HP34401A and Agilent 34401.  On our set-up, we use the Agilent/Keysight 34401 using NI's GPIB-USB-HS adaptor and the included GPIB script on the MULTI-CAL-SYSTEM software.  The MULTI-CAL-SYSTEM provides the freedom to change the MULTI-CAL-SYSTEM DMM scripts.  The default directory of the MULTI-CAL-SYSTEM scripts is below:

    :\Program Files (x86)\Multi_CAL_PGA309\DMM_Scripts   (PGA309 Multi-Cal software)

    :\Program Files (x86)\Multi_sensor_EVM\DMM_Scripts  (PGA308 Multi-Cal software)

    The application note from Keysight below mentions that there are some differences in the programming language between the 34461 and 34401A; however, they appear to be for the most part compatible. In addition, the 34461A offers GPIB interface as an option, and you may be able to use the MULTI-CAL_SYSTEM software using the GPIB script.

    Unfortunately, I don't have access to this meter and I don’t have a tested, debugged script for the Keysight/Agilent 34461. Please consult with Keysight website for more information about the programming differences between the HP34401A and Keysight/Agilent 34461. In addition, National Instruments website offers LabVIEW drivers for the Keysight/Agilent 34461 supporting IEE488.2, (GPIB), USB, Ethernet interfaces that could be helpful interfacing the multi-meter.

    Thank you and Regards,
