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OPA656: Looking for SPICE model (Altium Mixed SIM)

Part Number: OPA656
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI, OPA657

I have looked but not found a SPICE model at this web page:

There are three models there but I cannot find a file which I can use. None of the contents of the three files look like a SPICE model.

The thread to which this is a related question (

does seam to be about a SPICE model for the OPA656. How can I get that model, and better yet can it get added to the web page above?

FYI I am using Altium 20.0.9 Mixed SIM about which I am just starting on my learning curve after some years not often simulating.


  • Hello Forrest,

    The spice models that we typically provide are PSpice and TINA-TI models. The site here seems to indicate that Altium does support PSpice models so I would look into how to import that:


    Hasan Babiker

  • Hello Hasan,

    Problem is the link to the "PSPICE" model is a zip file which does contain quite a bit of stuff but nothing I see that looks anything like a circuit model.  It looks like the output files of some kind circuit capture.

    As best I can tell, Altium wants a text file which is given an extension type ".ckt".  PSPICE model may have additional statements but should be a text file.

    For other TI op-amps such a text file is what I found but not from any of the three links at:



  • Morning Forrest

    Here I renamed the .TSC file .txt - give it try for Altium. Also, in case you missed it, this and the OPA657 are two of the very few precision high speed op amps with a 100% screened output offset drift specification (the test guys hated doing that, but I insisted)  - there is a higher grade version for that drift if useful to your application. 

    OBSS�Circuit DescriptionV1.1010/02/94 20:07 CET.Component & analysis parameters of a circuit.TINA SFB(c) Copyright 1993,94,95,96 DesignSoft Inc.
    All rights reserved.;
    SO8 (OPA656)	OPA656
    TEXAS:OPA277OPA277Label����+����!PP(d*+P �� @d*- ���� @d*V+P  @d*V- �� @d*OUT ��� ( @h ���� ���00g+Arial���m۶m��?�g-Arial�����m۶m��?�g+Arial���m۶m��?�\���ie�@\���ie�@bI*-----------------------------------------------------------------------<* OPA656 Wideband, Unity Gain Stable, FET-Input, VFB Op Amp* created  12/27/01   RS** Revision 1/16/02    RS Input saturationF* Rev      6/12/02    RS Adj for Trimed offset & Output Drive Current* 	* NOTES:**   1- Uses a multiple pole-zero topology=*   2- For better convergence during transient analysis set:*        .OPTIONS  ITL4=40=*   3- This macromodel predicts room temperature performance;*      (T = 27 deg C) for: DC, small-signal AC, noise, and*      transient simulations4*   4- This macromodel does not predict: distortion6*      (harmonic, intermod, diff. gain & phase, ...),:*      temperature effects, board parasitics, differences3*      between package styles, and process changes9*   5- Revision to correct Pinch-off and input limiting.*K* ------------------------------------------------------------------------L*|(C) Copyright Texas Instruments Incorporated 2007. All rights reserved. |L*|                                                                        |L*|This Model is designed as an aid for customers of Texas Instruments.    |L*|No warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to this Model  |L*|or its fitness for a particular purpose is claimed by Texas Instruments |L*|or the author.  The Model is licensed solely on an "as is" basis.  The  |L*|entire risk as to its quality and performance is with the customer.     |K* ------------------------------------------------------------------------** CONNECTIONS:,*              Non-Inverting Input         !*              | Inverting Input)*              | | Positive Power Supply,*              | | |  Negative Power Supply *              | | |  |  Output*              | | |  |  |.SUBCKT OPA656 + - V+ V- OutC_C4         V- 0  1P  C_C2         0 V+  1P  R_R40         16 0  1MEG  )G_G40         0 16 POLY(1) 15 0 0 1U 0 0V_V12         14 V- DC 4.54  R_R51         V- 23  9.0  R_R50         19 V+  5  R_R30         15 0  87.92K  D_D32         18 16 DX 1D_D31         16 17 DX 1C_C6         Out 0  1P  D_D12         14 12 DX 1R_R10         10 V+  750  R_R11         11 V+  750  Q_Q1         V+ 20 Out NPN8 8Q_Q2         V- 22 Out PNP8 8Q_Q4         21 21 20 PNP8 .5Q_Q3         21 21 22 NPN8 .5C_C30         0 15  10.54P  C_C40         16 0  0.079f  4E_E50         19 20 POLY(2) 0 16  V+ V- -815M 1 0.54E_E51         22 23 POLY(2) 16 0  V+ V- -815M 1 0.5.E_E31         17 0 POLY(1) V+ V- -1.7 0.5 0 0-E_E32         18 0 POLY(1) V- V+ 1.7 0.5 0 0I_I12         12 V- DC 9.8M  .G_G1         0 15 POLY(1) 11 10 0 25.225M 0 0J_J10         10 + 12 JX .5L_L2         2 -  3.96nH  #J_J11         11 2 12 JX .50001505*).MODEL DN1 D( IS=.1F AF=1.0 KF=49.0E-17).MODEL DX D( IS=1.0000E-15)*.MODEL NPN8 NPN>+ IS = 7.604E-18 BF = 1.570E+02 NF = 1.000E+00 VAF= 7.871E+01>+ IKF= 3.975E-02 ISE= 3.219E-14 NE = 2.000E+00 BR = 7.614E-01>+ NR = 1.000E+00 VAR= 1.452E+00 IKR= 8.172E-02 ISC= 7.618E-21>+ NC = 1.847E+00 RB = 1.060E+02 IRB= 0.000E+00 RBM= 2.400E+00>+ RE = 2.520E+00 RC = 1.270E+02 CJE= 1.120E-13 VJE= 7.591E-01>+ MJE= 5.406E-01 TF = 1.213E-11 XTF= 2.049E+00 VTF= 1.813E+00>+ ITF= 4.293E-02 PTF= 0.000E+00 CJC= 8.208E-14 VJC= 6.666E-01>+ MJC= 4.509E-01 XCJC=8.450E-02 TR = 4.000E-11 CJS= 1.160E-13>+ VJS= 5.286E-01 MJS= 4.389E-01 XTB= 1.022E+00 EG = 1.120E+00>+ XTI= 1.780E+00 KF = 3.500E-16 AF = 1.000E+00 FC = 8.273E-01*.MODEL PNP8 PNP>+ IS = 7.999E-18 BF = 1.418E+02 NF = 1.000E+00 VAF= 4.158E+01>+ IKF= 1.085E-01 ISE= 2.233E-15 NE = 1.505E+00 BR = 3.252E+01>+ NR = 1.050E+00 VAR= 1.093E+00 IKR= 5.000E-05 ISC= 6.621E-16>+ NC = 1.150E+00 RB = 6.246E+01 IRB= 0.000E+00 RBM= 2.240E+00>+ RE = 2.537E+00 RC = 1.260E+02 CJE= 9.502E-14 VJE= 7.320E-01>+ MJE= 4.930E-01 TF = 1.303E-11 XTF= 3.500E+01 VTF= 3.259E+00>+ ITF= 2.639E-01 PTF= 0.000E+00 CJC= 1.080E-13 VJC= 7.743E-01>+ MJC= 5.000E-01 XCJC=8.504E-02 TR = 1.500E-10 CJS= 1.290E-13>+ VJS= 9.058E-01 MJS= 4.931E-01 XTB= 1.732E+00 EG = 1.120E+00>+ XTI= 2.000E+00 KF = 3.500E-16 AF = 1.000E+00 FC = 8.500E-01*8.MODEL JX NJF(BETA=2.78E-3 LAMBDA=28.67E-6 IS=5.956E-15A+ALPHA=2.7155 VK=1 RD=13.3 RS=13.299 CGD=1.032E-12 CGS=2.823E-124+AF=1 KF=21.75E-18 BETATCE=-1.994 VTOTC=-2.5000E-3).ENDS    OPA656.<TINADIR>\SPICELIB\Operational Amplifiers.LIB+-V+V-OUT+-V+V-OUT�����8�?����MbP?�?����ư>��'dd�?Y@��[dddd$@�?��.A��.A��.Ae��A����MbP?@�@�?������ư>����ư>������$����4@D@��������
    =��B����?��&�.>�?�?����ư>����ư>����ư>����ư>����ư>����ư>�?I@�?I@�?I@��&�.>��#i;@��&�.>�-���q=����ư>����MbP?�-���q=����MbP?�vIh�%<=@�@D@��&�.>�?����MbP?4@�������?{�G�z�?ꌠ9Y>)F@�?�+����= _�B����KH�9$@Y@��&�.>����ư>�?��.A����MbP?�?�?�?�?�������?I@�Default analysis parameters.
    These parameters establish convergence and sufficient accuracy for most circuits. In case of convergence or accuracy problems click on the "hand " button to Open other parameter sets.�������?X��d

  • Hello Michael,

    I opened your file but it is not well formatted. Lots of nulls and other irregular characters.

    See screen shot below.

    I used a hex editor and removed the nulls but what remained was still not readable. No proper line terminations for example.


  • Oh well, oddly that .txt file often will import into LTSpice - maybe the Altium folks could help you - 

    I was looking at the OPA656 web folder again and noticed this very odd alternate part recommendation - that is a very poor suggestion given that device is decompensated (not unity gain stable like the OPA656) and only 5V vs +/-5V supply capable - I would be ignoring that suggested alternate for the OPA656, although it is a very useful part for new designs that can correctly use its feature set, 

  • Hello Forrest,

    The .lib file in the Pspice zip is what you will need to convert.


    Hasan Babiker