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current noise calculation


I downloaded the Analog Engineering's calculator, when I using the Noise calculation, what's the formula for the Current Noise RTO.  

my calculation is as below:

Noise Gain=1+Rf/R1

FH=GBW/Noise Gain = 8M/11


1st: calculate the broadband for R1//RF; EnBB1 = (BW)^0.5 * 400fA * R1//RF

2st: calculate the 1/f for R1//RF; Enf1 = 20pA*0.1^0.5*(ln(BW/0.1))^0.5* R1//RF

same for RS

EnBB2 = (BW)^0.5 * 400fA * Rs

Enf2 = 20pA*0.1^0.5*(ln(BW/0.1))^0.5* Rs

so RTI_CurrentNoise = (EnBB1^2+Enf1^2+EnBB2^2+Enf2^2)^0.5

RTO=RTI_CurrentNoise * NoiseGain = 4.307 uVrms which is not same to 4.78uV.

So please help to check? thanks

  • Hi Wang Jian,

    I was unable to get current noise RTO of  4.78uVrms displayed in the calculator. I have asked an engineer to take a look at this. Here is my calculation. 

    If you have any additional questions, please let me know. 



  • You have calculated RTO noise based on 1/f  and broadband current noise but you neglected to include resistor thermal noise - see below.

    Thermal noise of 1kohm resistor is about ~4nV/rt-Hz.

  • Raymond, thanks very much. it's very clear.

    I still have some questions.

    1: Req: in your calculation, Req=Rs + R1//RF, right? in some application note, Req = ( Rs^2 + (R1//RF)^2 )^0.5,  this method takes Rs and R1//RF as independent noise term.

    2: fo: why fo using 1Hz, how to choose the fo? I my calculation, I choose 0.1Hz

    3: For EnRTO , why Enflicker don't need to be multiplied by 11? 

    thanks again!



  • thanks Marek Lis!
    here we just focus on the current noise calculation.  for resistor noise there is another space named "Resistor Noise RTO" in above picture.

  • Hi Wang Jian,

    1: Req: in your calculation, Req=Rs + R1//RF, right? in some application note, Req = ( Rs^2 + (R1//RF)^2 )^0.5,  this method takes Rs and R1//RF as independent noise term.

    I was using Req=Rs + R1||RF (assumed correlated variables). If both resistor values are uncorrelated (independent), then your Req equation is correct.

    If Rs and R1||RF values are uncorrelated, then your current noise calculation of 4.307 uVrms is closer (I calculated around 4.3003 uVrms, basically rounding errors). And I think that Rs and R1||RF values should be uncorrelated, and total current noise RTO is 4.30  uVrms. I will ask an engineer to check the calculation in the tool again. Thanks for pointing out the discrepancy. 

    2: fo: why fo using 1Hz, how to choose the fo? I my calculation, I choose 0.1Hz

    1/f voltage noise spectra density is normalized to 1Hz by definition. 0.1Hz (10 sec time constant) is the lowest given frequency on the 1/f curve typically.  If you look at the following voltage noise density plot vs. frequency, the area of under the normalized 1/f noise at 1 Hz is approx. equal to the integrated area under the 1/f curve, and I think that this is the reason. If one is integrating the 1/f noise down to 10mHz in the plot, the percentage error contributed from the calculation will be insignificant from the equation below (EnBB^2 is the dominated noise error contributor in the equation). 


    3: For EnRTO , why Enflicker don't need to be multiplied by 11? 

    The a, b, c terms above (Marek's slide) are uncorrelated noise variables, and that is why the total noise voltages are a "root sum of squares" terms. Gains of the circuit only applicable to the output of op amp (RTO), and flicker noise is independent of circuit's gain noises.

