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THS9000: Noise, Offset, harmonics

Expert 3601 points
Part Number: THS9000


Can you help clarify the following for the THS9000? 

What is the offset voltage? 

What is the input referred noise (nV/Hz)? 

What is the second harmonic and third harmonic in dBc? 


  • Hello,

    These were not spec'd at time of production:

    • Input offset voltage isn't relevant since device's use is between 50MHz to 750MHz.
    • Noise is typically given as noise figure when using RF devices.
    • Harmonics were not measured.


    Hasan Babiker

  • I appreciate the help Hasan. 

    Is there a way to convert noise figure into an approximate input referred noise nV/Hz)? 


  • The 50MHz to 750Mhz implies AC coupling so DC offset does not matter, 

    the typical distortion spec on this type of part is an output 3rd order intercept, OIP3 = 36dB on this part

    I think this equation will work for these active input match devices, if you use Rs = 50ohm and kT = 4e-21, and a spec 4.5dB NF, this implies an equivalent input spot noise of 0.6nV