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INA228-Q1: Should I design in the INA228-Q1, use the existing INA228, or wait?

Part Number: INA228-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA228, , INA219, INA229

Hi - 

We are designing our next generation of development and engineering reference boards that integrate the INA power monitors.  In the previous generation, we used the INA219.  It was sufficient, but, many of the features of the INA228-Q1 look to be significant upgrades that we need. There may be as many as 10 INA228 devices on each board and our first prototype build will be ~60 boards in the June-2021 timeframe (i.e. we'd like to have assurance of supply of ~600 parts by June).  I know you've said you can't comment on release dates, but I'm trying to narrow the options/timeframe down.

Two questions:

(1) Is there an assurance of supply of the INA228-Q1 for at least 600 parts by June?

(2) If not, is the INA-228 (non 'Q1') available and what are the key differences that compels one to use the INA228-Q1 instead?



  • Hello Tom,

    Thanks for using the TI forum. Here are my responses to your questions:

    1. I've sent you a friend request so that we can discuss your specific needs. If necessary, we can also connect you to the marketing team to see what your options are.

    2. Yes the INA228 (non "Q1") is available currently. Here is a webpage that describes the differences between the automotive (Q1) and commercial (non Q1) devices: 

  • Thanks Mitch.

    One follow-up question - would you consider the INA-228 a good replacement and upgrade path from the INA-219 or are there features/functions that would concern you about using the INA-228?

    Our application has 5 power supplies it is monitoring with the supply voltages ranging from 0.65V to 3.3V.  Our priority is in high accuracy, so we are using 5 of the power monitors purely in shunt voltage mode and 5 of the power monitors in bus voltage mode so that we are never dividing the time between shunt and bus.  We are also trying to find a power monitor with a high bandwidth / high conversion rate so our resolution is good.  We collect samples in our host application, so we are really just trying to read as many samples as we can per unit time.

    The one portion of the INA-228 that gives me pause is that it has extended the common mode range from (0 to 85V) compared to (0 to 26V) on the INA-219.  Since our bus voltages are in <5V, I wonder if there is a better part that has the accuracy, but doesn't trade unnecessarily high bus voltage ranges.  But, my sense is that the 20-bit ADC and 50 µs conversion time of the INA-228, along with choosing the 40.96 mV full scale range will provide what I need without trading a downside because of the extended common mode range.

    Do you agree that the INA-228 is the best option?



  • Hello Tom,

    Yes, I agree that the INA228 is a good choice here, especially since your focus is high accuracy. Currently, the INA228 (and INA229, which is the SPI version) is the most accurate/highest precision digital current sensing device we have.