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Good morning, I don't find information about power dissipation of ISO121BG in datasheet , could you help me ? I asked it because I don't know how select tantalium capacitor for power supply +/- 15Vdc.
So if you want suggest me a commercial model of tantalium capacitor I'll be glad.
Thank for your support
Hi Massimo,
Welcome to our e2e forum! Look at the quiesent current draw on page 2 of the datasheet. At 15V supply you will be looking at 60-75mW. You should be able to find 1uF 25V capacitors at your favorite distributor (or try DigiKey, Mouser, etc.).
Hi Massimo,
I found this thread that should help:
If your application allows for a smaller creepage/clearance you may want to consider the ISO224 which is a newer device with a wide +/-12V input range.
Thank you for your idea , unfortunately I have design in production phase. But your idea can be evaluate for a new design,
Thank you for your support
Ciao Massimo,
when it comes to high temperature applications and using Tantal caps wouldn't be a good idea because of the very limited life time of Tantals at high temperatures, I take a 1µF/35V/X7R/0805 cap instead of the 1µF/35V tantal. You can even simulate the finite ESR of the Tantal by putting a small resistance of 0.22R...1R (0805) in series to the X7R cap :-)
Hi Massimo,
May I contact you offline to discuss your project and our offerings?
Thank you for your support but in this moment I prefer to go on with ISO121BG. I promise you to valuate your idea . Send me an email with your reference and If I need an help I promise you to contact also only for listen your opinion about the project.