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Design a single supply transimpedance amplifier

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA365, TINA-TI

Hello all,

Well, truly speaking,I don't have much knowledge in electronics ...

I just want to design a trans impedance amplifier that should detect APD currents from 0 to 10uA. looks simple and  I can google it ,grasp few knowledge about it or just pick up the design which was already done by someone else...

..I tried but here are my design challenges:

Photodiode : Avalanche PD with 50nA dark current and 5 pF input capacitance..APD is biased such that Cathode is connected to the +27V (to 30V even) and the input terminal of the opamp...

opamp: Should be single supply (positive )and maximum voltage should be applied is 5V..

Bandwidth required: 1MHz..

and the next stage of this TIA is a HPF and LPF (to allow frequencies from 80kHz to 1MHz. and again should be single supply 5V opamps with sallenkey topology.)...

Looks like a puzzle for me and I could not figure out the best solution so far...

So..can someone help me in choosing the right opamp and how can I design it (I mean...for this configuration, how can I go with inverting configuration since current enters is positive?)  just have a look at the block diagram...(there is no 1K resistor )

Image result for single supply  transimpedance amplifier design tool for avalanche photodiode

Thanks ...

  • Hello,

      The OPA365 should have sufficient bandwidth to meet your application needs. TI has some articles with associated calculators that should help make this clear. I have attached them below. In addition to this please use TINA-TI a spice simulator to verify your work. Below are the links I was referring to. Please go through them and it should help improve your understanding of transimpedance amplifiers.
