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I've been having issues getting the TLV320AIC3204EVM-K to work with my Windows XP SP3 virtual machine on my Mac. The EVM will not connect to the AI3204 CS application - it just says "EVM disconnected".
At first I thought it had to do with something from running a virtual OS and USB not working correctly, but then I pulled out a Windows laptop and am experiencing the same thing.
I have gone through the How to revive a USB audio EVM but at step 12, I get "Detach call failed", just like this user:
I thought maybe the EEPROM was malfunctioning, as some other forum posts seemed to indicate that was the case, so I ordered another EVM board but am having the same issue.
Anything else I should be trying to get this to work correctly?
Can you try the following
I do not see the USB-AudioEVM just the DFU.
Follow the steps here in this post.
Yes, the problem is that I can't complete the "revive a USB audio EVM" checklist. As I said, at step 12, the programming of the EVM fails. It says "Detach call failed", not "Detach call succeeded".
Hey Zachary,
Can you try following the revival steps on a Windows 10 machine?
Best regards,
Just installed a Windows 10 image on Virtual Box and still the same issue at step 12. "Detach call failed" and the EVM still says disconnected in the AI3204 CS application.
One question, are you using the DFUTEST from the GUI folder or from SLAC563 mentioned in the link provided above?
These EVMs are new and both are giving the same problem?
Did you see step 7 message? Does it help with restarting the PC?
I am using TLV320AIC3111EVM-K on Windows 10 and facing similar issue.
SW2 pins are arranged as 1,3,4,5,6,7 ON and 2 & 8 as OFF. Board is showing as DFUUSB in device manager and nothing under Audio input/output and sound controller.
It says Detach call failed followed by GetState call failed. GetLastError = 3E3.
I am trying to program DFUEE.bin file from slac563b\USBfirmware_V0304_Portable\image.
I restarted my machine multiple times, issue is still present. Attached are the screenshots of the same.
I am using the DFUTEST from the SLAC563. Both EVMs are new and both are giving the same problem. I have restarted several times and step 7 does not show the error. I'm able to proceed to step 8.
So new from the box and when you plug to a windows 10 machine the first time you see DFUUSB for both EVMs - is that right?
I will need to order one of this and will let you know next week.
I received the EVM today and seeing DFUUSB in the device manager the first time.
When I looked at the SW2 switch position, only SW2-8 is at off position.
As mentioned in the user guide, both SW2.2 and SW2.8 must be set to off (HI) position.
I removed the USB cable, set SW2.2 to off position, reconnect the USB cable and now I'm able to see USB-AudioEVM in the device manager.
Hey pdjuandi - that worked!
However, this only worked on a new board. I have 3 boards - the first one I had actually tried to change SW2 to the off position as well (so both SW2 and SW8 were off (HI) position, but that was after trying go the the "revive" steps for the board. I ordered 2 more boards thinking it could have been from EEPROM malfunctioning and figured I'd be able to be sure that EEPROM wasn't malfunctioning if 2 more boards just didn't work. The second board I had gone through the revive process again as well but arrived at the same place as board #1: a non functioning board that couldn't be revived. When I pulled out the 3rd board fresh and switched the SW2 to off/HI - everything worked.
So it seems that the 2 other boards I have are bricked, because I can't seem to get them to work (even with SW2 and SW8 set HI) as the revive process just breaks at step 12 still with "Detach call failed".
Anyway - I'm good to go now with the 3rd fresh board. Thank you for your patience and for all the help!