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CDCM7005: CDCM7005

Part Number: CDCM7005


We are using CDCM7005RGZT clock synchronizer in one of our project, In this we are using XLP73V153.600000I as an Voltage Controlled Oscillator, Which gets an Control Voltage from  CDCM7005 - CP_OUT pin.

As per datasheet it is understood that in default condition CP-OUT pin gives half the voltage of VCC_CP pin. We have given 3.3V in VCC_CP pin and we are expecting to get 1.65V from CP-OUT pin.

But we are getting 3V from CP-OUT pin, Can you please advice on this issue. We could also find there is a oscillation in clock in Khz range.

Hereby attaching the schematic for your reference.

Thank you


Amarnath G


  • Hi Amarnath,

    Please take a look at this post on the forum, it is similar to what you have descirbed:

    "This looks to me that the problem is the input impedance of the Vc pin of the VCXO is too low. As such, there is a serious leakage current when the charge pump is in the off state.
    There are couples of way to resolve this problem:
    1. Use a VCXO with higher Vc pin input impedance
    2. use a higher fpd (around 1MHz)
    3. use a higher charge pump current"

    Kind regards,