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LMK01801: LMK01801 Dividers Not Working

Part Number: LMK01801

Hello Sir, 

I'm Using LMK01801, out of these dividers CG1 to CG4, CG2 only working in my board, I've set all Clocks in LVDS mode, Please help us.

Thanks & Regards,


  • Hello Venkatesh,

    Can you please share your register programming, or potentially your TICS Pro .tcs save file if you're using TICS Pro?


    Derek Payne

  • Dear Sir,

    Please find the attached .tcs file, 

    Test/CLKoutTYPE_0  is Connected to ground with a resistor of 1Kohm.

    SYNC0/CLKoutTYPE_1  is Connected to ground with a resistor of 1Kohm.

    SYNC1/CLKoutTYPE_2  is Connected to ground with a resistor of 1Kohm.

    we are not using SPI mode, we have fixed hardware, and also what happen if we connect (bias-pin no-26) to +3.3V



  • Dear sir,

    Please respond for my above query.


  • Hi Venkatesh,

    • By dividers not working, do you mean no outputs are seen on Clkout0-3 & Clkout8-13 or that when you change the divider value no change is observed at the outputs?
    • Are you using the LMK01801BEVAL or your custom PCB?
    • Can you please share your schematic as well as input/output waveforms with us?

    Also, I suspect the common mode voltage could be affected if bias is directly connect to 3.3V, but I don't think that would cause the dividers to stop working. We recommend connecting a 1uF cap between the bias and Vbias pin.

