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CDCS502: SSC Triangular modulation

Part Number: CDCS502


Could you please provide more details about the triangular modulation used for SSC ?

AM, FM, PM, frequency range ?

I need these info to evaluate the residual after an analog clock recovery scheme...

Thanks in advance


  • Andrea,

    We have an application note which goes into some detail about the SSC used in the CDCS502. I believe this is a frequency modulation scheme, imparting between 30kHz and 100kHz of modulation based on the VCO frequency of the internal PLL. While the exact implementation is a bit opaque to me, it seems like the modulation frequency is always related to the input frequency per the datasheet equations. For instance, with a 25-MHz crystal, and a 25-MHz output frequency, I would expect the modulation frequency to be 25 MHz / 708 = about 35.3 kHz; compare with 100-MHz output, where I would expect the modulation to be at 25 MHz / 620 = about 40.3 kHz. Amplitude in SSC would be given by the spread options, e.g. ±1% spread on a 25-MHz output would have an amplitude of ±250 kHz. Since the SSC implementation uses a PLL and VCO combination at higher frequency, I suspect there will always be some rational fractional relationship between the modulation phase and the input signal phase. I would also expect some kind of dithering strategy to try and avoid fractional spurs - but I have no idea what that would be, and our design documentation is somewhat lacking on this device 


    Derek Payne