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TUSB211 as USB2.0 re-driver

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB211, TUSB212, TUSB216I, TUSB217A, TUSB214

Hi Ti,

    Our project Flex2.0 USB2.0 eye pattern test fail as below diagram, we want to add TUSB211 at USB DP/DM paths as re-driver to strengthen its eye but don't know if TUSB211 is suitable to our case.

Our project Flex2.0 USB2.0 test failed


TUSB211 seems could not improve eye's voltage.

Question need Ti help to reply

  1. Could TUSB211 be able to solve our eye pattern fail like voltage too low issue? TUSB211 is simpler and we should have it in stock for experiment so we mainly want to know TUSB211 could use for our case?
  2. After TUSB211, other TUSB21x (TUSB212, 213, 214, 215, 216) seem they have I2C IF, could we use TUSB211 design(means we don’t use I2C) for all TUSB21x design?  I meant could use one design for all TUSB21x, they’re  substitute for each other?
  3. TUSB216I that some Ti's guy ever suggested, what’re the points Ti think it’s suitable?  For material preparation, more confident to solve eye fail below? I’m not sure if TSUB216I more much expensive than older parts.



  • Hi Novel,

    1. TUSB211 does not come with any form of DC Boost, which means it will not really improve any levels of VHigh or VLow in an eye diagram, you will only see improvement in the rising and falling edges. However, every iteration after the TUSB211, I.E the TUSB212 and up to the TUSB217A, does have DC boost. As such, if you are seeing issues in those levels, I would recommend looking at the TUSB216I or TUSB217A.

    2. In most cases, there are some changes that should be made between layouts for each version of the TUSB2XX Line. For example, because the TUSB212 pins have some different functionality compared to the TUSB211, adjustments would need to be made to a layout used for a TUSB211. This is necessary even if I2C is not being used. If you want specifics, there are transition guides on the TI website to help you understand what needs to be changed and what doesn't.

    3. Every version of the TUSB2XX line past the TUSB211 is more expensive, but this is balanced out by the increased functionality present in each iteration. For example, the TUSB212 added DC Boost for eye diagrams, the TUSB214 added a BC1.2 CDP controller for host/hub's that did not come with that functionality, and the TUSB216I added increased jitter-compensation and a variety of smaller improvements. Choosing a more recent TUSB2XX device will provide greater functionality over the TUSB211.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or need any clarification!

